Chapter 253: Missing Faithful

A few days later, things were finally beginning to look different in Excelsis.

I could see flying metal constructs buzzing around in the air on insect-like wings, surveying the area. At the same time, many of the people of Excelsis were setting up decorations for a festival.

Hilariously, they wouldn't know what they were celebrating until the day arrived.

And as I sat on a bench nearby, Isabella sat happily next to me, clinging to my arm.

Stella stood at my side surveying the area.

There would have been other troops under her, but I chose not to bring them. The soldiers were specifically for the defense of the ship itself.


"Is something wrong, Master?" Isabella said.

"You're having way too much fun calling me that, aren't you?" I said.

"Ehehe...guilty. I like seeing your reaction. But if I'm going to be a slave, I should play the part, yes?

"I suppose so..." I said.

"I, for one, believe it to be perfectly natural to refer to his Majesty as Master," Stella said.

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