The Marvellous Mafia Xavier Alonso

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The Marvellous Mafia Xavier Alonso

By: NFA CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 278 views: 7.3K

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Xavier Alonso is a poor kid constantly underestimated and bullied for being poor, unattractive and unhealthy-looking. But one day, by chance, Xavier gets lucky with the emergence of a mafia system that will help him in the future. With the presence of the mafia system, will Xavier be able to become strong and rich? Will he become the marvellous mafia?

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  • NFA


    Hi, guys, check out my new book too, "The God of Invoker System" I guarantee you guys will love it!

    2023-12-12 10:44:04
  • M_jief


    So much enjoyable when read this book!

    2023-07-31 15:49:39
  • Far Han


    This book so much good than I think!

    2023-07-31 15:41:55
  • IEL


    I just love this book!

    2023-07-28 00:33:39
  • Fad Lun



    2023-07-28 00:23:45
  • Ibiso Bobmanuel


    Your book and mine is always together! I kinda love this storyline too, it's amazing.

    2023-06-29 21:22:06
  • NFA


    What do you guys think about my new book? Let me know in the review column!

    2023-06-18 13:42:23
  • Aphrodisiac


    I just love this!

    2023-07-31 14:19:39
  • Autis


    Good to see!!

    2023-07-31 14:13:12
  • NFA


    This is well written!

    2023-07-31 14:07:09
  • LifeIsGood


    One of the best!!

    2023-07-28 04:55:28
  • Ares69


    Great book!

    2023-07-28 00:51:58
  • Jumaide. O


    So good!!!

    2023-07-28 00:37:49
Latest Chapter
278 chapters
Chapter 1
The memories of Xavier, a powerful young man who got the power of the mafia system, go back to his childhood.Everything was very different from Xavier's current state. Because, for now, everything is under his control.Power and money have a lot to do with the strength of a mafia leader. And all of that, Xavier has now.Very different from how he was in the past. At that time, Xavier was a nobody because his situation was very poor.***"Xavier Alonso! Useless kid!""Xavier Alonso! Poor boy!"The cacophony of abuse from the children's mouths after school made the afternoon atmosphere even hotter.Moreover, the boy who received the taunts and insults could only stay silent and look down without wanting to reply to the taunts and insults he received.The boy did not want to add to the problem by making fun of them all in return. Because he knows very well how he is. And also knows how his parents are at home.Xavier is a boy of about eight years old. He lives with his parents in the sm
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Chapter 2
[Welcome, Xavier Alonso][You can check in now][Check in, activate mafia system][Level 1: hitting with the strength of 1 hand][Level 2: hitting with the power of 2 hands]And so on, up to level 10.[Please specify from now on]Xavier was silent and would not do anything he was told. He had no idea what was currently in front of his eyes."Who's talking?" asked Xavier to himself."What do I get if I choose?"Xavier asked one question, which he had because he didn't know the system world.[Xavier Alonso, you will receive power]"Power?" asked Xavier again, incredulously.[Please select and specify. Power level you want]Xavier, still in doubt and disbelief, began to move his hands. Press the number buttons on the monitor right in front of his face.Click!"Sigh, sigh, sigh."Xavier's breathing was ragged. He had just woken up from his sleep. This was because the dream he felt seemed very real to him."Sigh!!!"Xavier breathed a sigh of relief, as it was all just a dream. Then he took
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Chapter 3
A split second later.[Click the level you want]"5!"[You choose level 5]Smash!!!Smash!!!Smash!!!A strong wind suddenly appeared, accompanied by Xavier's unprecedented movements.The gang, led by Kylian, fell one by one without being able to fight back. Kylian, who was still standing, was left untouched by Xavier."You guys get up!""Damn it! Fuck!""Ahhh shit!"Kylian kept swearing as he watched his friends fall, one by one, without him being able to handle it. He did not see Xavier's rapid movements. Spinning and hitting like the movement of the wind. Just like a shadow.Eren and Zamir had fallen not far from where Kylian stood."Damn it!"Kylian continued to curse because he didn't know who the person was, who had made his friends helpless. Because he still saw Xavier lying where he was."Who dares to challenge me? Get out!"One by one, his friends groaned. Feeling the pain on their bodies, which were hit by Xavier's blows. Their wounds were also evident, with blood and blue m
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Chapter 4
Now, Xavier is rich. He would not lack money for his life. Because the system he had also gave him wealth. With prize money.He has activated the power. The wealth system accompanied the power system.***[System sends gift][Ring]Shortly after, there was a message notification from an older model mobile phone, which Xavier had currently in his trouser pocket.On the mobile phone screen, he was informed that some money had just been deposited into his account.So far, he only has scholarship money for his own life for one year, sent by the school foundation."What's this?" asked the policeman who arrived just as Xavier collapsed.The policeman took Xavier's mobile phone and looked at the messages that had just come in.The policeman was shocked when he saw the amount of money in Xavier's savings account, which was now unconscious. And surrounded by people."He's not a random person. Look, if he's just a hobo, there's no way he'd have this much money!"In the message, there was an ent
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Chapter 5
"If only I had power, lots of money and influence. I would not be looked down upon by others anymore."That's how Xavier used to mumble and fantasise as a child. Due to his unfavourable social background as a child, he was often bullied and underestimated by his peers and those around him.For this reason, he always dreams of something that can make him strong, respected and no longer underestimated.As Xavier remembered the chair in the hospital, he remembered there was no injury to his leg when he kicked the chair."Is this system able to make me strong and recover my injured body?" Xavier asked himself.Now Xavier went to the bathroom to clean himself up first. He wanted to rest and think about how he would be in the future.***Moments later, Xavier was back again. His body already felt fresher and not sticky from the day's sweat.Lying on his bed, Xavier thought about what was happening to him right now because all of this was happening to him. Things he never knew and expected b
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Chapter 6
Supersystems are systems that have a broader relationship than the system. If a system is part of another larger system, the larger system is known as a supersystem.***Back to Xavier's childhood, where at that time, he was still not in school and living in a garbage dump.[It's a super system, not an ordinary system]"What do you mean?[You can activate the super mafia system]"What is it?"[A system that will change everything][Ring]Sigh!!! Sigh!!! Sigh!!!Xavier woke up from his sleep. This repeatedly happened when Xavier was young and not yet in school."What was that? System? Super system?"All sorts of questions, Xavier asked. But of course, he didn't know the answers either.At that time, Xavier was only four years old. He didn't know anything about the system. Little Xavier's daily life before school was to help his mum collect used items around his house to sell. Or if an item could be used again, they could use it for their needs.They lived in a slum close to a garbage d
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Chapter 7
While at school."You're okay, right, Xavier?"Of Xavier's many friends, only Ophelia called his name in a very friendly manner."Yes. I'm fine.""Zamir has been discharged from the hospital. But he's still taking his permission not to go to school."Xavier just nodded his head, responding to Ophelia's story. Because he also knew how Zamir was doing right now. Even that night, Xavier didn't know how to beat them up, namely his friend Kylian.Currently, they are waiting for the lesson to start. Maverick was also among them. But he silently listened to their conversation because he didn't know how it happened that night.But the seat that Kylian usually occupied was still empty. He had yet to enter the classroom together with his other friends.Zamir and Eren, there was no way they were going to class. They are still on sick leave because they were both absent from school.But Kylian's gang mates aren't just the two of them. There's Julian, Hugo. And there are also girls, namely Wrenlee
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Chapter 8
At school time, Kylian had run straight out of the classroom. He didn't wait for his other friends. Who was tidying up some school equipment?"Hey, wait!"Evelyn shouted for Kylian to wait for her for a while. But Evelyn's request should have been addressed by Kylian."Ahhh, shit!"There was a swear word in Evelyn's mouth."Why am I the bait?"Evelyn's words need to be understood by others. Because they also don't know what these words mean.In the classroom, it was just Xavier and Ophelia, who Maverick was also looking after.Evelyn came closer to the three of them. She pretended to ask Ophelia and Maverick to help her carry some of the things she had."C-can you help me carry this to my car?""Eh, Maverick, help me carry it too!"Ophelia, who knew Evelyn, did not suspect this was one of the plans of Kylian and his gang. Likewise with Maverick. Because Xavier did not tell anyone about what he had heard from one of his friends. Suppose Kylian and his gang will plan something on him."
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Chapter 9
What his friend had experienced left Kylian shocked. He never thought that what Xavier did would be fatal for his friend because it is certain that his friend's right leg suffered a serious injury.Either the leg was broken, or the shin was fractured. Because his friend immediately fell, screaming in pain and holding his leg. The one Xavier had kicked earlier.This made Kylian and his friends furious. They lunged at Xavier simultaneously.[Defence system activated]1%5%10%25%50%100% [Ring]As it turned out, Xavier jumped high, so they all got kicked and punched by their friends.Smack!!! Smack!!!Smack!!!Smack!!!"Aagrkhhh!""Ouch!""Ouch!"They were all in pain, the result of a misdirected attack. Meanwhile, Xavier jumped up and ran away from them all. He continued to run, leaving Kylian and his friends behind."Ehhh. Hey! What's going on?"Evelyn, who had been stunned, and thought that Xavier would be defeated by sustaining several wounds from their attack, was shocked. She n
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Chapter 10
Arriving at the hospital, Kylian's gang immediately received medical treatment. Because their injuries were also quite serious, some even fractured the shin bones in their legs."Crazy! This is unbelievable."Evelyn thought with confusion and couldn't believe what she had just seen. She never thought that Xavier, who had always seemed weak and unable to fight them, could easily do all this. And that too alone. Without any friends to help him."Is it true that Xavier has magic, just like Kylian said before?" Evelyn's mind asked about the situation she had seen with her own eyes, not through stories and news from other people."But where is magic in this modern world? It's just an illusion. Someone may be helping Xavier. But as shadows. Just like ninjas."Evelyn continued to monologue to herself. Because everything she saw earlier did not make sense to her."I'm sorry. What happened? An accident or a fight? There should be a news statement from the police too!"Evelyn was wide-eyed, hea
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