The scorned son in-law

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The scorned son in-law

By: Jedidiah TBD OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 5 views: 197

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Ethan lived with no memories of his past, except with what his in-laws had told him. Being poor and miserable, Ethan lived at the mercy of his mother-in-law who ensured that his life never got better. An encounter with a stranger changed Ethan's life far more than he could imagine, and he soon realized that his in-laws were more connected to his past than they were willing to let on. Ethan returns for revenge and he swears that they will surely regret their actions.

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5 chapters
Chapter one
"Where did that lowly animal go again?" Alisa's shrill voice echoed through the quiet mansion. Ethan sighed deeply. He slowly came into her view and bowed deeply at her. As he raised his head, Alisa slapped him hard across the face, causing his head to turn to the other side. Her gaze was hard and she scowled very terribly at him."Don't you dare to bow at me, you lowly scum." She cursed. "Where did you scurry off to?"Ethan stared at her, wondering what he had done wrong. "I... I simply went to water the garden as you requested.""It takes you three hours to simply water a garden?" Alisa mocked. "Do you realize what time it is? I'm yet to go for my shopping, because you haven't come out yet.""I apologize, ma'am." Ethan bowed. "Cara also asked me to accompany her shopping.""And so?" Alisa demanded. Was this fool about to refuse her over Cara?"I assumed that I would rather follow her." Ethan stated."Why?""Cara is my wife." Ethan said pointedly.Alisa bursted into laughter. "Cara i
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Chapter two
"Ashley..." He whispered.The little girl was visibly shaken as she saw what had become of her father. Her eyes welled up with tears and Ethan felt more like a failure. Alisa signalled to the guards and they untied him."Next time, you won't be this lucky," she warned and stomped off, ignoring the little girl. The guards looked around and their gazes were stuck on Ethan's injured back."Just apply a bit of ointment and it would heal in a week." One of them murmured as he walked past Ethan. Ethan smiled, at least they had conscience.Ashley stood at the same spot, staring at her father. Ethan, despite the pain, managed to come down from the table and stagger towards her."You're back? Why did you come out? You should learn to stay indoor, okay? You know daddy will always come to check up on you." Ethan said, moving her hair behind her ears. Ashley wrapped her tiny arms around his neck and Ethan shut his eyes tightly. This was his only hope in life. "Let's head back in," he said."Daddy
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Chapter three
Joe chuckled at his reaction. It was priceless, but that wasn't what he was expecting from such a man."C'mon, it belongs to you, take it," Joe urged on. "Listen, I have a lot to tell you, about your origin. If you're down to know, then let's head to the gazebo for some snack and story time."Ethan was still dazed, he knew how much money a golden card could contain, and if he had even the least of it, then he could be termed as even wealthier than his wife's family. His wife's family, well, ex wife now. She did sign the divorce papers before even handing it to him. He smirked gently."Alright, Mr Greg, let's head on to the gazebo, you have a lot of explaining to do," Ethan agreed. Joe led him towards the gazebo and then ordered his servants to serve Ethan a proper meal. Ethan had initially refused, but by the time the meal arrived, he realized how hungry he was."Start eating, I'll explain while you eat," Joe said gently. Ethan at this point didn't want to care if this was his last su
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Chapter four
Ethan walked into the mall with a small smile on his face. He had bought shares in the mall and now he could always shop for free, this was the kind of life he loved to live. All the workers already knew him, and they respected him properly."Good morning sir, what would you like to shop today?" A lady asked with a smile. The lady was beautiful and Ethan liked how respectful she was."Well, I want tuxedos. Show me the best ones," Ethan said.The lady nodded. "Right this way, sir."The lady, Mia, as her name tag read, led Ethan to the section for tuxes. She showed him the best ones they had, explained the fabric quality and which seasons they were best for. As she explained, Ethan found himself being pleased with the products she showed to him."Mia, which ones do you think I should pick?" Ethan suddenly asked.The lady blushed as she stared down at the floor. "I would suggest you pick these ones, they're so comfortable and they suit your skin tone. We can just pick a few of them and t
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Chapter five
"Mom, I swear, it was him, he did not look poor or haggard, but he looked and smelled rich.""What was he wearing?" Alisa asked gently.Cara sighed. "Mom, that's not the point. We both know that even after shopping for Ethan, he never liked to dress extravagant, he only wore a plain tee and sweatpants, almost everyday. You know this, so we can't judge based on that.""I saw him, and I'm telling you that he didn't even look like what we expected," Cara whined.Alisa glared at her for a while, "what did you say he said to you, again?""He said he was coming for his daughter, Ashley." Cara replied.Alisa shut her eyes for a few seconds. "It's alright, when next you see him, tell him that I said, I await his arrival.""Mom, is that all you're going to say?" Cara demanded."Keep shut, Cara." Alisa warned. "Now leave me to my thoughts. Go and get something to do with yourself, huh. You're turning twenty seven already, you need to get married. Go, attend some events, step out and catch yours
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