199 - The Cripple And The Fool

“Wizard… I mean, Jason. Are you sure there is someone out there?”

Wizard Lock used his senses to check the surroundings, but he felt nothing.

‘Is he going delusional after his failure? Did I make the wrong choice?’

He had seen people lose hope after they failed, and it had a significant impact on wizards compared to the others.

Lock knew he should have backed away from the contract when Jason failed.

He should have returned the pay and even should have paid back for what Jason taught his student in Rune Craft. However, Lock didn’t do any of this for a reason. The reason was the way Jason treated the people. He took in many orphans from the streets and treated them like humans.

This attitude wasn’t the attitude of a high and mighty noble, but a humble man who knew what it was to be poor. Besides, Jason’s failure had nothing to do with his payment, and Jason held his end of the bargain so far.

Still, as a rare mercenary among the wizards, Lock should have left Jason the moment he fa
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