Entering into the East gate city

It was already three am the werewolves detective divided themselves into five werewolves to use the four gates.

"It's time we go in we need to every shrewd without wasting time let's subdivide ourselves into groups of five and go to our respective gates," Liam said.

They subdivided themselves and went to their respective gates the militant Manning the gates were awake they saw the five werewolves approaching the gate they didn't bother the werewolves pass through the gate and spit the herbs on the ground as they enter the city other militant opened the gate for them to enter the werewolves rushed around the city and discovered that the highway in the city was going to the palace of the Alpha the Mafia some of the werewolves went into the palace of the Mafia pretending to be scavenging the militant didn't bother they looked at heavy military choppers on the helipad and also many well-armored military carriers they check they went round the city to know the roads they discovered the militant camp jack rushed to her mother reaching inside her compound he changed into human and woke up his Jane his mother Jane heard he knew it was jack she hurriedly opened the door jack rushed in the house and Jane hurriedly closed the door.

"My son you decided to go into the werewolf's kingdom I hope you are treated well there," Jane said.

"Werewolves are better than humans they treated me fairly their king Moses decided that he is going to save the sieged East gate city I mean our city," Jack said.

"That sounds good but the Alpha mafia is a billionaire very rich and also well equipped militarily," Jane said.

"He said we are going to seek assistance from our friends today we came in the form of werewolves for a detective mission in preparing of saving the sieged city," Jack said.

"Lower your voice the militants are going around checking on people who are suspected to be rebellious to be punished be careful" Jane warned.

Jack lowered his voice.

"I am happy to see that you are recovered I came to check on you in about an hour we are going back to the werewolf's kingdom"  Jack reiterated.

"So soon you should stay for a while," Jane said.

"No mother the state we are in is very dangerous and we came for a dangerous detective mission," Jack said.

"It's okay my son I pray for your safety," Jane said.

Jane rushed and brought some food and gave him to Jack, Jack ate Rock and Liam went around spreading herbs the militant fell and fall asleep they made sure that all the security personnel were on the ground then they changed into humans and collected the guns and took them after gathering all the intelligence report Jack rushed to Joshua his grandfather he saw him approaching he was very surprised

"How did you manage to enter the city in human nature?" Joshua asked.

"We are many we came in werewolves form to gather the intelligence report in the city the king of werewolves Moses has decided to help us to save the sieged city," Jack said.

"That is great news through supernatural powers we have we are going to be out of the bondage under the leadership of the king of werewolves," Joshua said.

"I need an extra black cloth for more werewolves to change into humans" Jack requested.

"Sure": Joshua said.

He rushed into the house and handed over the black cloth.

"Thanks so much I will be back soon to come and save you," Jack said.

Joshua burst into tears of suffering.

"I know it's difficult for you but one day we will be out of our fellow human bondage," Joshua said.

Jack too burst into tears and went without saying goodbye Liam and Rock had already finished doing the detective mission they were in the east mission of snatching the guns of the militant they change into human and snatched the guns they were able to take each of them taking four guns times twenty it was enough for them to use to train the soldiers they all gathered and they rushed out o the city back to the werewolves kingdom in the mountain.

They rushed to the werewolves kingdom in the mountain as humans the werewolves were waiting for them outside the mountain they opened the gate for the werewolves human to go into the palace under the mountain after they got into the mountain the gate was closed and you could not identify the part of the mountain that acts as the gate it was covered by vegetation and it was hard for a human to identify that werewolves live under the mountain.

The soldiers in the East gate city slept as a result of werewolves herb the generals woke up, as usual, to go round to check on the soldiers they were very surprised to see soldiers sleeping without the guns making the East gate city susceptible to attack Solo the Ruthless general was very disappointed to discover that the soldiers slept and have lost the guns he went into the barracks to come with other soldiers and arrested the soldiers who slept in line of duty and lost their guns to be taken to detention and be sentenced hundreds of soldiers were detained Alpha the billionaire mafia came to the detention camp the soldiers who lost their guns were sentenced to hanging they were paraded.

Alpha the Mafia billionaire stood in front of them and give the final verdict Solo the ruthless general moved to the podium the soldiers saluted.

"Boss here are the soldiers who slept in the line of duty they need to be hanged or to be shot be given justice through the bullet," Solo said.

Alpha the Mafia billionaire moved closer his security guards were ready to execute the order to kill as always but Alpha gave a thought he recalled their enemies from the West gate and they could attack anytime.

"I have thought and decided not to kill you but give you banishment you will be denied food for a week but if any attack to the East gate happens you will be allowed to eat but you are going to be in the forefront to fight the enemy,"  Alpha said.

Solo was happy to hear what their boss said since he knew if he kill the soldiers they will run short of the soldiers to protect them.

"My question how did you lose the best guns in the world what happened that you slept I need one of you to come in front and narrative what exactly transpired?" Alpha asked.

No one was able to give an explanation the soldiers looked at each other not knowing what to say Henry gained courage and came to the podium.

"Boss we are very sorry that we slept in the line of duty but I have tried to recall what happy it's impossible to tell they took our guns without harming us I suspect the soldiers from the west gate city used something to make us sleep," Henry said.

Alpha was pleased with what Henry said he looked at Solo and Solo looked at him and seemed to concur with what Henry said.

"How do you see Henry's statement," Alpha asked.

"I concur with him but what can we do?" Solo asked.

"I have changed my mind you are not going to detention nor are you going to be denied food for a week I have decided to call all soldiers to prepare to go for a revenge mission to recover our special guns and also subdue the West gate government," He said.

The soldiers clapped happily the siren was pressed and all the soldiers came to parade in preparation for the revenge mission.

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