God of Mist

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God of Mist

By: Secret Road CompletedFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 99 views: 7.6K

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Lucas a modern man finds himself reincarnated in a Cultivation World taking over the body of a young man also named Lucas. Once considered the ineffectual son-in-law of the prominent Stormwind family he begins to demonstrate his unique ability to control mist slowly gaining respect and shedding his former image as a simpleton. His journey reveals a grand conspiracy and the reasons behind his family's downfall leading him to seek vengeance against five powerful families. As he delves deeper into the mystery of his reincarnation Lucas hones his skills earning the nickname "God of Mist" for his mastery of various types of mist. From a disregarded son-in-law to a figure of pride Lucas travels the world meeting many beautiful women forming relationships and experiencing the joys of the world. His saga is the story of his rise from an ordinary man to a legendary figure known as the God of Mist.

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  • Solomon Akinlaja


    good book, it's captivating and a must read!

    2024-03-15 17:23:12
  • nikfield


    A really well written book so far and interinteresting story

    2024-03-05 05:17:03
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99 chapters
Chapter 1: Worthless
It was still early in the morning but trouble had already found its way to this man."Get out of this house or I'll kill you!" bellowed a middle-aged man his voice echoing from within a large imposing house in the area.This was no ordinary residence.As the gates of the grand house swung open several people struggled to heave them apart forcibly ejecting a young man onto the path outside. His body tumbled uncontrollably coming to rest with a groan that was met with indifference from his ejectors.Despite his handsome appearance the man's attractiveness was marred by his pitiful demeanor. He wore a foolish grin strangely out of place considering he had just been thrown out."I was kicked out," he mumbled seemingly in disbelief pondering whether this humiliating episode was reality or merely a figment of his imagination.Lucas was the name of the man a young individual leading the life of a widower.His consciousness was now overwhelmed with memories that were foreign to him plunging h
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Chapter 2: Pearl
Lucas still didn't expect to suddenly enter this strange dimension especially when he was confronted by a man with black bandages covering his face and radiating a strange and disturbing aura."Do you want powers?" the bandaged figure asked.This scenario echoed the ancient tales Lucas knew in which individuals are granted powers upon entering a new world. However Lucas did not immediately accept; instead he inquired "Who are you?""Me?" the figure replied. "I am merely a forgotten ghost from the past. Your identity however is what truly matters."As the ghost spoke its aura grew more overpowering making Lucas feel as if invisible violent hands were squeezing his throat. This dangerous moment made Lucas think of his new wife - not just any woman but a remarkably beautiful one. The thought of her strengthened his resolve; he was not prepared to die without experiencing one more kiss from her."I haven't really divorced Luna yet have I?" Lucas managed to joke even under these bizarre ci
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Chapter 3: Not Yet
A black mist enveloped Lucas followed by the appearance of small orbs that ignited black flames. These flames produced numerous runes that slithered over his body like snakes causing excruciating pain as if countless needles were piercing his skin.The scene looked more like a heretical ritual than a mystical inheritance of power. Despite the excruciating pain Lucas knew he couldn't stop the process; to do so would mean certain death.Gradually the runes faded and Lucas's body underwent a remarkable transformation. His muscles became more defined and his sweat cleansed his skin leaving it with a subtle glow."I made it" Lucas declared his voice reflecting a mixture of relief and exhaustion. He opened his eyes again and took a breath of relief.Never before in his life had he felt such intense pain.[Beginning Stage Primary Realm]This was the realm and cultivation realm that Lucas now belonged to. Once devoid of qi and cultivation roots he had ascended to the lowest realm of this cult
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Chapter 4: Garrick
"What a beautiful day" thought the old man as he watered his plants along the dusty road. Sitting in front of his small hut he was a familiar sight in Jade Valley a picturesque town named for its location in a valley surrounded by high mountains and somewhat isolated from the outside world. The old man absorbed in his morning routine paused as a group of young people approached.He hesitated his eyes widening at the sight of the youth aware that confrontation was not a wise choice. Among the group was Garrick the notorious young master of the Ironfist family. As their eyes met Garrick licked his lips menacingly eyeing the old man as his next target."Old man do you have a teenage daughter?" asked Garrick shamelessly. His nose flared his large body trembling as if imagining incomparable pleasure."Young Master Garrick I have no daughters," the old man said timidly.Garrick had a reputation for exploiting loopholes in his family's strict rule of no sex before marriage marrying women for
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Chapter 5: Primary Realm
Garrick looked at the empty space before him his face a mixture of wonder and caution. He seemed to realize that Lucas the person he once knew as inconspicuous had changed. Now Lucas radiated a vibrant and bold energy."Lucas what have you been eating?" Garrick taunted his tone dripping with sarcasm. But beneath this facade Garrick was calculating. He subtly signaled his two companions to flank Lucas his intentions clear: he wanted to quickly overpower and eliminate Lucas."What have I been eating? Definitely not your mother's cooking" Lucas replied his words laced with brazen confidence. Garrick's anger was palpable a vein throbbing visibly on his forehead.Garrick's men now positioned on either side launched a swift ambush. But Lucas ever alert had anticipated the ruse. With a flick of his wrist he effortlessly knocked down the two attackers leaving Garrick in stunned disbelief.Garrick felt as if he were caught in a maelstrom of chaos. In his mind Lucas had always been insignifican
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Chapter 6: White Swan Part 1
Walking with a piercing stare Lucas pulled at Garrick's hair with a firm grip. Garrick the son of the influential Ironfist family could only grimace in hate. "Lucas you don't... you don't want to insult my father do you?" said Garrick still using his father's powerful name. A sardonic smile crept across his face believing that invoking his family's name would protect him. The Ironfist family was indeed formidable wielding influence in the city comparable to that of the Stromwind family to which Lucas' wife Luna belonged. It was widely believed that provoking the scion of such a prominent family would have dire consequences. "Slap!" "Aghh!" Lucas slapped Garrick's cheek leaving the burly man staring back in disbelief. Lucas once considered weak and foolish now dared to challenge him. "Lucas!!!" Garrick shouted in anger only to receive another slap from Lucas. Both of Garrick's cheeks flushed his face etched with shock and disbelief. "There are some things I'm wondering about" Lu
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Chapter 7: White Swan Part 2
The White Swan Pavilion a place many men dream of visiting was famous for its exquisite wine rumored to be so desirable that some would kill for the chance to taste it.Lucas approached the famous White Swan Pavilion with unsteady steps. His day had been eventful: he had taught Garrick a lesson placated the former owner and heroically saved the owner's daughter.It had been a true display of heroism and now Lucas was on his way to the second location the White Swan Pavilion.His stomach growled with increasing hunger; Lucas hadn't eaten since the wedding feast and the day's exertions had left him exhausted.Upon arriving at the White Swan Pavilion Lucas found the place sparse yet impressive with most of the exterior painted a pristine white.As he stood there people passed by including numerous women. One such woman playfully patted Lucas on the buttocks and blew him a kiss from a distance as she walked by. Her clothing was almost sheer adding an element of allure to the already vibra
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Chapter 8: White Swan Part 3
Lucas arrived at the imposing gates of Stromwind Manor his in-laws' home. As he stepped forward to enter he was met with a challenge. The gate remained firmly closed and the guards inside could be heard chuckling seemingly mocking Lucas. They were aware of his lack of internal energy making it seem impossible for him to open such a massive door by sheer physical force."Young master if you want to come in come in. We're too lazy to open the door," sneered one of the guards drawing laughter from his colleagues.Despite being their young master and their master's son-in-law Lucas was treated disrespectfully by the guards. This blatant disrespect ignited a wave of anger in Lucas the veins in his neck bulging with rage."You guys!" he shouted.Taking a deep breath Lucas summoned his inner strength and focused it into his legs. A sense of overwhelming power filled him as if a reservoir of energy was ready to erupt."Bang! Booom!"With explosive force Lucas kicked open the gate creating a c
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Chapter 9: White Swan Part 4
In the White Swan Pavilion many rooms were filled with the city's elite. Among them there was one particular booth that could be distinguished by its fragrant aroma. Inside was a man of considerable size around thirty years old with facial features reminiscent of a gorilla. Despite his unattractive appearance he was inexplicably surrounded by numerous young women. They were attracted not only by his scent which was extremely fragrant but also by their own allure - the beauty and charm they possessed the seductive perfumes they wore and the inviting softness of their skin.Life seemed almost idyllic for the man who seemed to have everything one could desire except for his unfortunate appearance.But the veneer of perfection was about to be shattered. Into this scene of indulgence and admiration was introduced a new element of discord. Garrick the man's younger brother arrived his face marred by bruises that hinted at trouble brewing beneath the surface of this seemingly perfect world.
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Chapter 10: White Swan Part 5
Lucas was unexpectedly taken to an unknown location by his father-in-law.It seemed that there had been a serious misunderstanding. Lucas' father-in-law had assumed that Lucas was seeking revenge against those who had brought misfortune upon his family.In a setting decorated with purple flowers Eldrick faced Lucas with a blank expression. The air was rich with the scent of flowers. With a wink and a faint voice Eldrick revealed "I have kept a relic of your parents.This revelation took Lucas by surprise. After all he was merely a reincarnated soul inhabiting the body of the Lucas of this world sharing nothing but a name.Eldrick a middle-aged man moved toward a tree. He began to dig with such force that his finger piercing the earth sent dirt flying as if an electric drill were at work.As Lucas approached Eldrick unearthed an ancient-looking box decorated with a unique carving of a wolf."Their lineage is known as the Wolf Treads a prominent and extensive family," Lucas's father-in-
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