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By: Tm yomide OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 29 views: 287

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In the urban fantasy novel "Hellstinger," billionaire playboy musician Marcus Hellstinger is thrust into a world of supernatural forces and ancestral history after a mysterious visitation drives him insane. Discovering his parents' secret past as legendary superheroes, Marcus awakens to his own inherited powers and vows to avenge their deaths while battling the demonic god Romulus and his legion of minions. With the guidance of his devoted trainer/bodyguard/caretaker, Alexander Hill, Marcus must navigate a treacherous path of betrayal, self-discovery, and redemption as he faces the ultimate showdown against the formidable Romulus to protect his city and honor his family's legacy... ... "Ugh! Grr hmgh..!" Marcus grunts with effort as he climbs out of the cavern onto the leveled ground of the dark cave. "Argh!" He sighed and exhaled heavily, taking in a lungful of oxygen only to exhale more heavily as he crawled to rest his back on the cave wall. "Damn..." He huffed heavily, panting and aching. His fingers had blistered, aching, and bleeding, his back felt at its breaking point, his muscles could hardly respond to him anymore, and his stomach groaned relentlessly for food. He had collected the bow from the stream of luminous fluid, strapped it to his back, and climbed out of the cavern. Marcus had never been so out of his elements before, and climbing had never been an imagination much less doing it fatigued and hungry. Marcus laughed, who knew he could ever go this hungry and still climb several meters out of an underground cave? No one. Although he has no idea how long ago he had left his hotel room or how far he had walked to the forest, he knows he will have to do it all over again. "Ah f@#k!" ***

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29 chapters
1. Pilot...
Let me tell you the story of the Hellstingers; long long before the days of man, demon hordes ruled the entire earth in a tight vice. They made everything theirs and used it accordingly. But then, the first man was born. And he didn't like what the demons had done to the eart... "How was the man born?" "What?" Marcus blinked in confusion. "If the earth was full of demons, then who gave birth to the man?" Marcus looked at the questioner, a lady in her twenties, black as night, sculptured like a work of art, and stunningly beautiful. It is Marcus' seventh country on his world tour and after countless hours of performing on stage for ten days straight, he is enjoying his last day in Tanzania with a pool party surrounded by his tour crew, a couple of fans, and half a dozen models all clad in bikini straps. "Baby come on," He said, taking a sip of his campaign straight from the bottle, "just let the story flow, huh?" "Okay, where was I?" "The man di
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2. Hung...over
Marcus just laid there at the center of the bed, with his penis standing at attention underneath the partial cover of a stained white linen, as he watched all perfectly sculptured figures sway tiredly out of the room. "Ah!" He sighs again, content with the moment, and turns his attention to the ceiling. Momentarily forgetting about the hammering headache and the dull aches all over his body. Until; "We leave in fifteen minutes, get up! Get dressed!" All his contentment drained and with them came all his aches in a tenfold. Marcus frowned in a futile attempt to ease the headache as well as annoy the woman standing over him directly in the sunlight's path; she couldn't be older than thirty-four, wearing her usual tightly fitted suit that only lets the sun highlight all the features Marcus tries to ignore. Fortunately, the sun hid her most powerful feature; "Up!" Alexander said again with one eyebrow raised in an inside threat. Although she knows he can't see the rais
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3. Home sweet...
"Told you I would get us here in under five minutes," Marcus said to Alexander as they climbed the steps into the jet. "You got us here in under six minutes, the helicopter would have done it in three." Alexander said, "And we both use the same lawyer, how far do you think you can drag a sexual assault case with me?" Marcus stood at the entryway, watching Alexander disappear behind a curtain deeper into the jet, puzzled for five whole seconds without a clue as to what she was talking about. "Er, whatever." He followed through the curtains which opened up to a cozy lounge area lavished with the best leather money can buy, cushioned by one of the best furniture makers in the United States, with a state-of-the-art diamond-laced mahogany center table. It is occupied by Big Joe and Bobby; Marcus' bouncers. Both of them are big men, weighing hundreds of pounds in fat and muscles. If Marcus is going somewhere rowdy? They are sure to be by his side. Though they are cur
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4. ...home.
If there is anything Alexander dreaded more than Marcus doing whatever he deemed fit; is Marcus not doing whatever he deemed fit. At first, she had thought nothing of his odd behavior when he got off at the Airport but now she regrets coming to Phoenix. Of course, it was necessary and she had hoped it wouldn't happen, but that doesn't change what will happen next. *** Marcus was sure what he saw was real. He could have sworn his hanger was decorated with intense hellish Halloween effects. But it wasn't, it was all in his head. As he walked in the middle; Big Joe and Bobby on each side, Tasha and Alexander leading the way, and the rest of the crew surrounding him; all Marcus could think of was his one-second hallucination. He marched on with his crew, crossing the airport terminals to exit at the receiving bay, he expected a multitude of fans already waiting with things to autograph and pictures to snap. But what he saw blew his mind and took away the residual
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5. Beginning...
Marcus opened his eyes slowly. He must have had a dream, but that would only have been possible if he had been asleep. He sat up with a frown on his face, he remembered that night clearly as day; the blue-haired girl called herself Alexandria, the feminine voice was his wife, and the weird hooded jacket was her battle suit. Marcus' frown deepened. For one, that scene was set at the port of Phoenix. Secondly, it was after a fight that left the harbor half destroyed. Then, of course, he is not married, he doesn't even have a serious relationship yet. 'This can't be real.' He thought to himself, 'It must have been a movie...it was definitely a movie.' "You know," Alexander said without looking up from her phone, "you are going to regret not taking this opportunity to rest. This drive is Forty minutes long, you should rest." The first thing Marcus noticed was Alexander's cropped deep blue hair. It isn't the same shade of blue as Alexandria, but the resemblan
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6. Hellstingers.
"Hellstinger!" Marcus snapped his eyes open in shock and the first thing he saw was two of himself standing in two different mirrors in the same posture as him - bent over the basin. The water was running; he splashed his face a couple of times and checked again. There is only one of himself looking right back at him. He sighed. Just thirty minutes ago Tasha had informed him that the rest of his shows had been canceled and he was free for the rest of the day before they departed from Arizona at nightfall. He had immediately called a party and the drinking commenced. Maybe he blacked out - drunk or otherwise - maybe Alexander had busted the party, maybe he had busted the party. He couldn't remember. But he remembers clearly the night he shot all those demons down. "I'm going insane." He said to himself in the mirror, "I should probably tell Alexander what's going on, she would know what to do." "That's right she would." His mirror self replied him. Marcus je
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7. ...undeserved...
"Oh my God!" Marcus gasped, panting with such intensity he had to bend over and continuously beat his chest to catch his breath. "Oh God." He sighed after a minute of panting, he finally let himself fall on his buttocks and rest. The first thing that registered is the coolness that can only come from fresh air and green vegetation. Marcus frowned, still breathing heavily but now in regulated heaves. The last thing he remembered was seeing that old man rise from his mirror self's torn-up body. And now he is in a small clearing in the middle of nowhere wearing only tattered suede trousers and a pair of Dior sneakers. "Where. The. Hell. Am I?" Marcus slowly stands on his feet. Although shaky from exhaustion, Marcus will himself stand straight. "HELLO!" No response. "HELLO is anyone around here!?" Everywhere was eerily quiet, not even a bird could be heard. Even the stream just two feet before him made no sounds as it flowed past. "Well, then it is offic
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8. Goat..?
"Ugh! Grr hmgh..!" Marcus grunts with effort as he climbs out of the cavern onto the leveled ground of the dark cave. "Argh!" He sighed and exhaled heavily, taking in a lungful of oxygen only to exhale more heavily as he crawled to rest his back on the cave wall. "Damn..." He huffed heavily, panting and aching. His fingers had blistered, aching, and bleeding, his back felt at its breaking point, his muscles could hardly respond to him anymore, and his stomach groaned relentlessly for food. He had collected the bow from the stream of luminous fluid, strapped it to his back, and climbed out of the cavern. Marcus had never been so out of his elements before, and climbing had never been an imagination much less doing it fatigued and hungry. Marcus laughed, who knew he could ever go this hungry and still climb several meters out of an underground cave? No one. Although he has no idea how long ago he had left his hotel room or how far he had walked to the forest, he
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9. Unreal... definitely real.
'When darkness looms, he shall stand tall. When woe beacons, he must prevail...' "OH MY GOD!" Marcus sat up in one move, heart racing, and terror-stricken as he looked from left to right in search of the horrors of his nightmare. "Wha...wher...re...!" He pants, taking in his surroundings in a bid to identify and coordinate himself. "Where on earth am I?" The first thing he noticed was the chill of the room as goosebumps dot his skin, but the first thing that caught his eye was the man-sized portrait that seemed to be staring straight at him in a small sitting area in the far corner. 'Have...? Do I know...?' He couldn't seem to form any complete thought as he rid himself of the plain white duvet covering his bottom half. Stepping out of bed, the fur rugs sucked his feet in and compensated for the room's chill. Marcus couldn't take his eyes off the portrait as he took tentative steps towards the sitting area. He didn't notice when the fluffy fur rugs ended
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10. ... heroes of Phoenix.
Phoenix isn't a very big city, but it is a very vibrant one. Even though Marcus hasn't been in the City for more than a week, he has come to learn about its beautiful sunset. Particularly, the sight of the sun setting behind the statues of 'the heroes of Phoenix'. "It's getting late, Marcus," Alexander said, coming up beside him. "We need to get back to the Manor." Marcus let out a sigh, drinking in the magnificence of the twin massive statues looming over him from its raised platform; "Five more minutes," He said solemnly, "please." Alexander has never indulged Marcus' procrastination, but this time, she decides to make an exception; "Alright, five more minutes." Marcus had been disoriented when his delusions about his ordeal were proved false. He had tried to make a reasonable explanation, but then Alexander produced the bow. The bow he saw in his memories - memories that aren't his - the same bow he obtained from that cavern. Then Alexander revealed thin
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