215. Saving the Drakens


When the clash of weapons between Saka and Draken was still going on, it was fierce. Saka saw in disbelief that Albert had disappeared and been replaced with data. He had been slashed from behind by a gleaming blade, the Sword of Desolation.

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Albert's body was gone, shattered like a faded light. Behind him, Guratin appeared at great speed and slashed his sword downward. He is still alive.

Ha ha ha..!

Guratin's laughter blared again. Everyone realized that Guratin's previous death was just a camouflage of his strength. He pretended to be killed.

"No one can kill me here! I am the possessor of the key to universal chaos. That is to say, I become a god who determines the course of universal chaos! If I die, then Universal Chaos will also be destroyed!"

Guratin's laughter was blaring, and he realized something. He had become an immortal within Universal Chaos because the access key to it was within him. He will not be able to die. And that's the answer to wh
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