Reborn Gaming Addict

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Reborn Gaming Addict

By: Arden Light Updated just nowGames

Language: English

Chapters: 35 views: 116

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Paul, known as Cedar online, finds himself at the end of a world's first raid race after many years of playing Harbinger's Call. Finally, after getting the glory he had wanted for so long, the internet was flooded with leaked messages and stories that instantly turned him from a role model to all Harbinger's Call players and into a scourge met with disdain at every turn. After his guild drops him from their roster and he is blacklisted from many high-tier communities and exiled by the player base. All of this happens before he even wakes up the next day. Shocked and confused, Paul soon realizes that after stepping on people's toes to get ahead in the game, he had made many enemies who wanted him off of the game. After working hard for weeks to salvage his career and friendships, he suddenly finds himself in a familiar room.

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  • Bookie muna


    nice keep up

    2024-05-09 04:23:34
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35 chapters
What Friends?
"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you." — Elbert Hubbard"What do you mean I am kicked from Dawnfire?! We just won world's first race on Tomb, I was the last DPS alive who got us the kill, how are you going to kick me literally the next day?!"Hearing his own shocked voice, Paul felt like the conversation he was having was a joke. Yesterday, he was on top of the world after a marathon raid in which the guild he was a part of, Dawnfire Forge, had managed to be the first in the world to clear it, live in front of almost half a million people. Now, less than 24 hours later, he has suddenly gone from hero to zero, waking up with his friends list dropping from triple digits to less than 10.Hearing his aggrieved voice the person on the other side of the phone signed."Have you seen what was leaked? Being associated with you is dragging our name through the mud, and Cyclic wants to get as much space from you as they can. I also received some complaints from the fe
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The Long Way Round
"A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them." — John C. Maxwell After weeks of trying to clear his name and save his reputation, Paul is sitting in his apartment exhausted. These past few days, he has been talking to people who knew him, doing interviews, and trying to tell his side of the story, but it seemed like most people didn't care or were trying to pull him further down. At this point, he was contemplating leaking the group chats he was in and taking all of those people down with him. It was a childish thing to do, but he had a desire to take some of these fake people down with him if he was going down. After all, if what he did could be related to anything criminal, it would be jaywalking at most; he knew people who had done the equivalent of armed robbery and attempted murder, things that were very serious. Of course, he had no proof of that per se, but neither did these people that he did anythin
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My Life Wasn't That Bad, Right?
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." — Ralph Waldo Emerson Looking around the room, Paul was stunned to see the somewhat disheveled appearance of his college apartment from a decade before; seeing the small wooden desk with his PC and his nightstand with his laptop charging brought back a sudden influx of memories from another time. College was an extraordinary time in his life; calling it good or bad would be missing his main feelings associated with the experience. If anything, college was tedious, nothing like what angry high school teachers would have you believe, and also not something you could excel in while drunk and partying every weekend. The best summary to Paul was simply that college was, it happened, and had no real lasting impact on his life; being a professional gamer did not require a degree. On the other side of his room was a strange-looking contraption that looked like an egg with the front removed,
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Emerald Enclave
"No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! Each day is a new page." — C. JoyBell C. Paul emerged from a restless slumber, his mind a jumble of half-formed thoughts. The reality of his situation was a puzzle, the pieces slowly falling into place. And then, like a curtain lifting, he found himself back in his college apartment. Upon realizing this, he did not know what to think; it seemed like he had been sent back in time. Realizing this, he was neither happy nor sad. Instead, he couldn't help but feel exasperated, feeling similar to if he was reading an incredible book series but was forced to reread the first book many times before going on to book two. Going to the bathroom to wash up, he couldn't stop himself from looking at the mirror and speaking softly in an exaggerated tone. "TiMe To StArT mY pAtH oF aScEnTiOn." Laughing to himself lightly, he decided to burn through the next ten years up to where he had been in life
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Thunder Only Happens When it's Raining
"The only impossible journey is the one you never begin." — Tony Robbins Seeing the familiar scene, Paul didn't follow the mage to the balcony to watch the incredible fight that players would never be able to replicate and instead started checking various locations in the room for something. While searching through drawers and looking behind furniture, he could hear a monumental battle outside. Thunder sounded in the background as lightning streaked through the sky, offering brief illumination in the night sky. He could hear the roars of dragons and the screams of both men and elves; clearly, a battle of epic proportions was taking place outside. After what felt like an eternity of searching, Paul's hand finally closed around what he was looking for, a small bottle filled with a turquoise liquid. This was the key to his next move, the crucial element in his plan. "Why is it always in the last spawn point I check?" Pocketing it, he walked over near the doorway to the balcony and w
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Achievement Ring
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." — Eleanor Roosevelt Finding a bench to sit on, Paul opened up his inventory and saw the starting clothes he had, which were essentially rags and two other items. One was the amulet he took from Randolf, and the other was a small golden ring with exquisite engravings. Tear of Elenor A single tear, a relic from the goddess's oracle, shed during the peak of the high elf rule centuries ago. This Tear of Elenor possesses a unique ability, a fleeting burst of strength for the weak and hopeless, a beacon of hope in the darkest of times. This was why so many people did the hidden version of the mission: This was a rare item that could have been more challenging to acquire and could be helpful early in the game in unexpected ways. Pioneer's Sigil of Mastery A small golden ring with the power to record your most outstanding achievements. Cooking supplies sold by NPCs cost 10% less when equipped. Gilded achievements
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It's Grinding Time
"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." — Colin Powell Paul, at level 2, found himself in the perilous Zephorius Forest. However, he saw this as an opportunity, confident in his ability to farm the enemies within. His secret weapon? His templar class, a strategic advantage in the art of undead slaying, the very enemies he intended to farm. Additionally, he was confident in his maneuvering and footwork in-game. He knew everything about how sprinting and stamina worked in Harbinger's Call and all the small tricks to stay ahead of melee hoards and round them up without much issue. Most people played Templar as a healer, especially early in the game's lifetime. Its class abilities were far and away the best at both sustained healing and burst healing compared to other classes, which led to it being pigeonholed into that role with every other variation. However, unlike some games in Harginger, any class could fill an
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Leveling Up is Easy
"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together." — Vincent Van GoghAfter grinding for close to eight hours in total Paul finally got the notification that he had reached level 20, accompanied by the achievement sound, this time more lively than the dull one he heard earlier announcing another gilded achievement. Smiling to himself, he instantly left the forest and began making his way to a different town, one named Aurorin; just from the name, one could tell that it was mostly inhabited by elves compared to the mostly human Tu'Dor.Paul's character underwent a dramatic transformation in just a few hours, thanks to the gear he acquired from the undead he was farming. His appearance, once unremarkable, now bordered on the absurd with a heavy metal armor helmet, a mix of cloth and leather for the rest of the armor, a dagger in one hand, and a short sword in the other.At this point, he had unlocked 3 more abilities.Purifier's Embrace: Summoning
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"Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work, one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it." -Ralph Waldo Emerson After tirelessly battling the undead online, Paul finally logged off to replenish his energy with a well-deserved dinner and sleep. His exhaustion was a testament to the relentless grind he had endured throughout the day. After climbing out of him, Wombat 64 decided to make some pasta with oil and shredded cheese, a basic meal that was not particularly balanced, so he grabbed some frozen chicken egg rolls and put four in the air fryer to get some extra protein and a small amount of vegetables. While waiting for the foot to cook, he went on his NERD (National Energy Regulation Directory). With the advent of what could broadly be described as full dive capsules, the world went into a time of energy starvation. The servers to run the games and the cabins themselves draw a ridiculous amount of energy to run, and infrastructure and produc
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"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." — Bruce Lee Amidst the bustling city of the modern era, a blend of concrete and steel, many found solace and hope, while others faced despair and oblivion. The rest were striving for a life filled with promise.  In a pre-war apartment building nestled away from the affluent parts of the city, a young woman somberly made her way up the stone steps to the third floor. Resigned in her moments, she opened the think front door and walked inside the homie two-bedroom apartment she shared with her father. After taking off her coat and putting away the groceries she had just bought, the young woman, Claire, changed into more comfortable clothes and sat down at her computer.  Today was her commencement ceremony, but she did not go; they would mail the diploma anyway, so why waste money on renting a cap and gown when nobody would be there
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