The Unveiling Of The Rejected Son-in-law

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The Unveiling Of The Rejected Son-in-law

By: Mel Hope CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 375 views: 32.6K

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Jakes lived poor all his life until he discovered his family fortune and resumed taking over them. This made it possible for him to protect his family. His wife, Stephanie got pregnant, and her family demanded that she aborted the baby and leave Jakes, which she frowned at. They made Stephanie and her baby's life miserable because of this. However, in the long run, Jakes used his advantage to secretly help his wife reclaim her family position and become the CEO. Stephanie took over most of her family's business. Then, Jakes's mother-in-law and brother-in-law hate them to the guts.

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  • Tondra


    Lovely book, love it

    2023-04-06 23:50:34
  • wordoneproofers


    What a lovely story. Thumbs up.

    2022-12-31 17:50:08
  • Olusegun Oribamise


    Nice book. I love it.

    2022-12-31 14:07:51
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375 chapters
"Man! There's no job for you today. No one is going to be at home, because we all are going out for a party right now." Kevin said."Emmm... What about...?" "Are you deaf?! If you're not, then clear out of my way," said Kevin.Jakes reluctantly moved away from the doorway and stood aside looking sober and expectant. Kevin who was already moving towards his car looked back at Jakes still standing beside the doorway. "Oh my goodness! Why are you still standing there?!" He asked, frowning at Jakes. He dipped his hands into his pocket throwing down a note of five dollars on the floor. Jakes ran towards it and embraced the note as if his whole life depended on it. "Thank you, Kevin. Thank you," Jakes said, as he rushed out of Kevin's compound.Kevin shook his head at Jakes. He was not surprised at Jakes's attitude, because he knew how poor Jakes was.Jakes Johnson, 24, a handsome young man was married to Stephanie Allison, 22, a beautiful young lady. Jakes struggled to make ends meet, to
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Jakes picked up the call and tried to listen carefully to the voice at the other end. "You fool! Do you think you can avoid my calls? Even if you do, I'll get to you wherever you are, and that will be worse for you." "What?" Jakes was surprised at the sudden outburst, and he was not sure of who was speaking, though the voice sounded familiar."Please whom am I speaking with?" Jakes dared to ask."Will you shut your mouth?! Do you think you could go away with my sister the way you did? You made her marry you, and as if that wasn't enough, you introduced her to a life of suffering." Micheal said. Micheal was Stephanie's elder brother and he had always hated Jakes; he made life miserable for Jakes when they were together. Michael had once sworn to kill Jakes, and maybe he would have if Jakes had not left the house at the time he did. Jakes was dumbfounded at Michael's words, and now he did not know what to say. He wanted to say something, but he retreated."Now, listen to me," Micheal
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"Don't be silly men!" The old man continued, and then he faced Jakes. "Jakes, I know you're surprised at why you were brought here. And you wonder who I am." Jakes looked up at him and was eager to hear the next thing the man would say. "You don't know who you are; that was why I sent my men to bring you here. I think it's high time you know your identity," The man continued. "You used to be the young master of a very big and famous family in this City - the family of the Johnsons. Your family was renowned for its wealth and affluence, with several investments in its name, until someone betrayed your family. Within a short while, the whole family was wiped out. Your parents and siblings were killed in a fire, and some of the family's investments were taken over...""What?" Jakes interrupted. He was too shocked to hear this. He looked at the old man in bewilderment, as his eyes turned red. He used to be emotionally strong, but he felt weak this time. The old man was quiet for a while
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"Yes, Pa Drakes. I must claim my place. Jakes said, then he paused for a while looking very sad. "It's just may be dangerous for me to come back with such a high profile." "No problem son, I understand. This can be our little secret for the time being." Pa Drakes said."However, I have a few more things to tell you," he continued. "The Johnson family owned a total of twenty-five companies within and outside Fitbuck City. Only within Fitbuck City are eight renowned companies. Four are among the top ten leading companies in the city; one of them is the " Class of Verity" which was taken over by the Allisons, while the remaining three are smaller companies which report to the bigger ones. The remaining seventeen companies are in seven other countries of the world. But don't worry, I'll soon hand over a document that shows every detail you need to know. The document contains the names of the different companies, their locations, and their presiding managers.""Wow! This is gr
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Stephanie came out of the kitchen with a bottle of cheap wine and two glass cups in her hands. She gave Jakes one of the cups, and held the other cup in her hand, as she poured some wine into each cup. "Let us toast to a new life," Stephanie said as she made her cup kiss Jakes's cup. Then the both of them drank from the wine in their cups."So tell me more about it. How did you get the job this time?" "Darling. I can't even explain it myself. All I know is that the interviewer assessed me, saw that I was qualified, and asked me to start work on Monday morning." Jakes was not ready to break the news about his family's fortune to Stephanie now, though he intended to tell her about it later. Her excitement could lead her into telling her family about it, as she may not find it so easy to keep such news secret. And he needed to tread carefully because of her family, asides from the fact that he also wanted it to be a surprise to her. "Wow! I'm the happiest right now. So what's the jo
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"You have to submit these documents at " The Legends" first thing this morning. I must get this contract for the company." Micheal told his Secretary. Michael was the Head of Personnel, at "The Class of Verity" and he was desperate to get the contract placed in the market by "The Legends" so that he could climb up to become the CEO at The Class of Verity, "so he sent his secretary to submit a proposal for the company. "Okay, Sir. I'll be on my way now." Linda, Micheal's secretary replied, as she rushed out of the office. ***"Miss Linda, we have filed your company's proposal, until we receive a letter from the company's chosen guarantor," May said.May was "The Legends" General Secretary, and she had just collected the proposal from Linda. She was about to submit it at the MD's office when she found out that no guarantor's letter was submitted alongside. "I am a secretary from 'The Class of Verity'," Linda emphasized. She felt May did not hear her the first time, because every s
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"Mr Cameron will be here in a short while. Clean up yourself and put on this dress. You must appear your best to him," Mrs Allison said, as she showed Stephanie the expensive gown she had purchased from the city's mall. When Mrs Allison noticed that Stephanie got up from the floor very sluggishly, she said: "I told you to abort that thing in your womb, but you refused. However, it's not too late to do that. Mr Cameron mustn't find out that you are pregnant; it could discourage him from getting married to you.""Mum, I'll go take my bath, but never you call my baby a thing. He's a human being, you know!" Stephanie said angrily, as she stood up and walked into the bathroom to take her bath. She had finished bathing and was wearing the new dress her Mum had bought when she had a sudden knock on the door. She quickly zipped up her dress and looked through the door hole, when she saw a maid carrying a tray of food in her hands. Stephanie opened the door and collected it from her, then she
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"I need to go and see Stephanie," Jakes told himself. It had been one week since he set his eyes on his wife. He had tried to go to the Allisons' place a few days ago, but he received a call from a friend who told him that he saw his wife in a grocery store close to their house. So, Jakes was confident that Stephanie was around, and would return home that day. Now, three days had passed, yet she had not arrived. He later got to know that the person his friend saw at the mall was not his wife; they only had a striking resemblance. Now, he was desperate for his wife's return, so he made up his mind to go and see her. ****Back at the Allison's place, Stephanie was seen lying on the floor inside a small room. She had been battered and maltreated by one of Mrs Allison's strong men. So she felt very weak and exhausted.Stephanie's room was always locked, except when she was going to be tortured; when the maid wanted to serve her food; or when her family members needed to talk to her. It
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Jakes felt a little nervous when he saw them, but when he remembered his identity, he summoned the courage to face them."Good day my in-laws." Jakes greeted Mrs Allison and Micheal. "What is good about the day?... Liam! Liam!!" Mrs Allison called angrily. "Yes, Boss!" Liam responded from inside one of the rooms in the house."Come over quickly!"In no time, Liam walked into the sitting room. He looked very huge and tall with a scary look on his face. "This fool here is Stephanie's husband. Lock him up in the darkroom.""What?!" Jakes was surprised at Mrs Allison's instructions."I came here to look for my wife. I was told that she's here, and the next thing you want to do to me is to lock me up. You can't be serious." "I'm more than serious. Liam, what are you staring at? Bundle him up and lock him!" Mrs Allison commanded."Okay, Boss," Liam replied as he rushed towards Jakes and tied his hands. Jakes was surprised at what was happening. "Leave me!" Jakes cried, trying to stop t
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Mrs Allison had just returned from work, and she looked very bothered. After putting off her shoes, she leaned against the sofa in the big sitting room looking very tired and exhausted. "The Class of Verity" was going to be sold out in two days, if the outstanding debts were not paid before then. She had a faraway look in her eyes, as she thought of what step to take on the issue. She thought of her strong men: Liam, Hansen, and George, and how she was going to use them in achieving her desires."That bastard, Jakes must be killed today! If he's killed, Stephanie will have no option but to marry Mr Cameron this time." Mrs Allison thought. After thinking about this, she took up her phone and dialled a number. "Liam, you need to come over to my place right now! And you can bring Hansen and George along.""Alright, Boss," Liam replied.While waiting for the three of them, Mrs Allison moved to the dining to have dinner. When she was done with dinner, she walked towards the room where Steph
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