The return of mighty-E and the trillionaire system.

6 ratings

The return of mighty-E and the trillionaire system.

By: Mwrites CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 101 views: 7.3K

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Right after he proposed to his girlfriend with a million dollars ring, Ethan life turned around from Grace to grass due to his supposed parents accident. He hit deprived of all properties by his uncle claiming he is a bastard and doesn't belong to the family. He turned to his in laws who has once told him he is always welcome but got mocked at, betrayed by his wife and best friend. At the blink of death a system surged in his body. System activated {Feed the nation}.

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The return of mighty-E and the trillionaire system. Novels Online Free PDF Download

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  • Mwrites


    your review matters .........

    2023-09-26 15:49:09
  • Pribadi Prambudi


    novel good

    2023-09-25 01:22:23
  • Fash


    It makes sense ...

    2023-09-23 20:56:44
  • Mwrites


    Hello, this is my first work here!!!. This isn't your typical son-in-law story. It will take you into a darker world. A secret organization Ethan must stop by completing his system mission.

    2023-09-22 10:03:08
  • Terry Wong


    This can't be considered a book. more of a short story.

    2024-01-20 00:21:54
  • Clifford Lastimosa


    the mc such an indiot, having money all you need to do is to buy a house and what now become a servant for what,all you need to do is to show your wealth and ability to get revenge, The title of this novel is wrong

    2023-10-29 00:38:44
Latest Chapter
101 chapters
From Grace to grass
Prologue “Will you marry me?” Ethan kneels at the front of his beautiful girlfriend. Ariana pops out her eyes in surprise, “Yeah, yeah... I will. I love you! You are mine forever!” The ring dazzles and sparkles – it's a diamond ring worth one million dollars!. “You are always welcome, anytime, any day. The door is open for you,” Mrs. Desmond, the mother-in-law-to-be, hauls. “Let's be quick with the wedding; it can even be tomorrow,” Mr. Desmond suggests, and everyone laughs. Two days later. “I don't love you! You hear me? I don't! You are nothing now. I don't want to be anything like you. Marrying you is like deliberately sinking myself in deep mud,” she shouts at him. “Leave my daughter alone and never come to this house again, or else I will arrest you!” Mr. Desmond hauls at him. Ethan looks at him in disbelief. Chapter One: HOW IT ALL STARTED Ethan's clothes are the most expensive dress in all of the restaurant. His wristwatch is even more expensive than his dress. He ge
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The rejection
Chapter 2Four days ago, in this very room, Uncle Ben knelt before Mr. Charles, Ethan's father, asking to borrow money for an investment that Ethan was unaware of.Now, in this same room, he finds himself kneeling before Uncle Ben, desperate for him not to send him away.The day transitions from morning to night and back to morning.Ethan's knees are bruised from constant kneeling.Uncle Ben enters the room, yawning, and is surprised to see Ethan still there. "You're still here?" he asks."Please, Uncle, I'll do anything," Ethan pleads, his voice strained."I have no intention of saving you, so stop wasting your time," Uncle Ben dismisses. At this moment, Ethan knows that begging is futile.(Mr.Desmond's house).Ethan knocks on the door, waiting impatiently for it to open. He's holding two suitcases. He knocks again, but no one answers.He's certain they're inside because he can hear their voices. Finally, Ariana opens the door.He calls out to her, but she ignores him and walks away,
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Crazy system (grass to Grace).
Ethan's legs tremble as he blames himself for believing something unreal.The storeowner stares at him, but then his phone dings.He quickly checks it and sees a debit alert.It's real! The storeowner's eyes pop wide open, disbelief evident on his face."I... I am sorry," he mumbles, but Ethan cuts him off."Give me three," he orders."Yes, sir," the storeowner replies, immediately packaging the items and handing them over."We would love to have you as our regular customer," the storeowner says, but Ethan ignores him and turns to the elderly woman."Take these," he hands her the three items. She initially hesitates, but then nods reluctantly."It's okay," he reassures her, placing the items in her hands."Thank you so much! My grandson will be delighted. I can't wait to give these to him.""Yes, please be quick," Ethan urges."Thanks!" the woman expresses her gratitude again and bids him farewell.He leaves the store feeling accomplished.{mission accomplished, dashboard had been top
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mighty-E, the driver
Chapter 4 After two weeks The news and social media are abuzz with talk of the mighty-E, an unknown trillionaire who has built the most expensive house and company in just five days. With a lot of labor and workmanship, he pays his workers generously, becoming the first man in history to pay high wages for his workers. The mighty-E, the only trillionaire in the country, is in ragged clothes that are beyond imagination - dirty and rough. He stares at the sign in front of the gate: "Driver Needed." His quest for revenge commences; catching them off guard is the initial step. **** Mr. Desmond scoffs, while the others laugh. "You want to become my driver?" Mr. Desmond seeks confirmation. With determination, Ethan responds, "Yes, sir, please. I need to survive." "Get your face out of here!" Mrs. Desmond snaps at him. Mr. Desmond raises his hand. "Alright... I admire your mindset." "Dad, are you really hiring him?" Ariana questions. "He deserves a chance at life," Mr. Desmond ass
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Can money buy happiness?
As Ethan drives Mr. Desmond home, his mind is consumed by thoughts about the man, pondering the grudge he seems to hold against him. Lost in his thoughts, he momentarily loses focus and nearly collides with the car ahead. His reflexes kick in, and he slams on the brakes, causing Mr. Desmond to lurch forward in his seat. "Are you crazy? Do you want to kill me? Is that your plan as my driver?" Mr. Desmond exclaims in frustration. Ethan quickly apologizes, his voice filled with genuine remorse. "I'm so sorry, sir. It was not intentional. Please forgive me." Despite Ethan's plea, Mr. Desmond remains silent until they reach home. "Give me the key," Mr. Desmond demands, his tone cutting through the air. "I apologize, sir. It truly wasn't my intention," Ethan bows, regret evident in his voice. Ariana, dressed to leave the house, enters the room just in time to witness the tense scene. She rolls her eyes and hisses at Ethan before storming off and slamming the door behind her. "
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Money buys happiness
"Hey kid, please tell me what makes you happy. Even if money can't, I'll find another way," Ethan says, growing frustrated. "Home," the boy utters. "Home will make you happy?" Ethan asks, puzzled. The boy nods. "Okay, let's go home," Ethan agrees, following the boy's lead. After a few minutes of walking, they arrive at a shabby hut. "Is this your house?" Ethan inquires. The boy nods. Just then, a woman rushes out from the house. "John!" she exclaims, embracing him. "Where have you been all this time?" Ethan surveys the house and realizes that this is likely the source of the boy's unhappiness. "So, you're not happy living in this kind of house. I'll build you a new home," Ethan declares. "Who are you?" the boy's mother asks skeptically. "Um... I'm your child's friend, and I'm trying to make him happy," Ethan claims, gesturing to the bags in his hand. The mother notices the bags and examines them closely, nearly exclaiming in surprise. "He bought me these," the boy informs
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Sandra engagement to Nick.
Chapter 7Ariana wakes up to a delightful aroma, instantly recognizing Ethan's cooking skills from their dating days.She joins the others at the table, where Ethan serves breakfast."He's the cook now," Ariana comments as she takes her seat."That's his role here, do the chores," Mr. Desmond adds.Nick takes a spoonful of the delicious meal Ethan has prepared and compliments him, "You're an amazing cook, destined for success.""Thank you for your kind words, enjoy your breakfast," Ethan replies, about to leave but halted by Mr. Desmond's request to stay."Water," Max orders, though it's right in front of him; Ethan hands it to him."I'm meeting the mighty-E today," Mr. Desmond announces, stunning everyone.Ethan smirks confidently."How can you be so sure? No one's ever seen him," Ariana questions."I'm going to the company and offer him something he can't refuse," Mr. Desmond states."That's my dad," Nick proudly chimes in."What can you offer someone who seemingly has it all?" Aria
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Money makes you scream
Ariana and Max leave the room, leaving the others behind. Ethan remains beside Mr. Desmond."I was wondering, who is this guy?" Sandra asks, referring to Ethan."He is something insignificant, a once-upon-a-time rich, spoiled brat who thinks money is everything," Nick comments."Oh, what a dynamic life," she laments."Dynamic indeed, you don't have to feel pity for him, as he is not meant to be pitied," Mr. Desmond says."How did he end up working for you?""Don't let talk about him spoil the gracious moment," Mrs. Desmond intervenes.She nods, then points at something on the ground. "What's that?"They all turn to look, and it's the shining ring. The ring holds a lot of memories for Ethan. He quickly picks it up."I will give this to her."He makes his way upstairs and is about to open the door but hesitates, pressing his ear against the door."I said no, Max, a total no!" Ariana exclaims as she and Max argue."What is no? You don't have a choice, you must," Max retorts."You shamele
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The dark mission
Chapter 9"Ethan!" Mr. Desmond's voice jolts Ethan awake, prompting him to groan as he rises from his bed and hurries to meet him in the still-dark hours."Sir, here I am," Ethan mutters sleepily."Do you know how many times I've been calling you? Sleeping like a pig!" Mr. Desmond scolds."Sorry, sir," Ethan replies."You have to drive me somewhere now, in the dead of night, and mark my words, don't snoop around. Stay in the car, got it?" Mr. Desmond warns sternly."Okay, sir," Ethan acquiesces as Mr. Desmond tosses the car keys to him.The world outside is still asleep as they board the car, Mr. Desmond guiding Ethan along an unfamiliar path that takes twenty minutes to traverse.Eventually, they arrive at their destination. A grand black gate stands proudly before a two-story building, an imposing structure that captures Ethan's attention. The automatic doors swing open, allowing them entry into the spacious compound, though not as expansive as the Mighty-E compound."Stay here and
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Feed the nation!
{Mission reloading, 25%, 45%, 65%, 75%, 100%. New mission unlocked: Feed the Nation. Reward: 50 trillion.} "What!" he screams. {Every single necessary person.} "Who are necessary people?" {Everyone that needs it.} "Oh, but how will I do that? How? How?" he wonders aloud in his room. Then he calls Sandra, his new secretary, his new interest. "Hello, I've got a new mission for you, the system's new mission," he says. "What's that, and Mr. Davis is greeting you". "My regards to him. The mission is to feed the nation." "What!" she exclaims so loudly that he shifts the phone away from his ear. "What did he say?" Mr. Davis asks from the background. "How is that possible!" he yells. "And if it is possible, you know it will damage the economy," Sandra asks. "I know, but I have to do it. It seems impossible but somehow possible. I want you to calculate the nation's population, then calculate how much will each person collect if 10 trillion is to be shared," he requests. "See, yo
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