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Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms.Marks.Mark Bearer:A person chosen to bear the Titan's Mark. They are also descendants of Ambevilius and are his possible successors.Titan's Mark:Proof of being a Mark Bearer. It is in the form of a tattoo in the shape of a golden coiling dragon.Custodian:A formerMark Bearer who has given up their rights to succession and willingly follows another Mark Bearer.House:A Regiment of Custodians under a Mark Bearer. A Marke Bearer can only posses a maximum of five houses. Custodians in a House have ranks. They are ranked in this order from highest to lowest-Minister PrimeMinisterReverentClerkOrdinary CustodianA House is organized as follows-House Scale- a group of Custodians and their ClerkHouse Claw- a group of Clerks and their ReverentHouse Fang- a group of Reverents and their MinisterClaws:These are claws that are on the Titan's Mark, they represent t
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Titans Throne Battlefront
The streets of Yani City were abandoned for the city was under siege. The usual hustle and bustle of the markets, the shouting and cursing from the arena and the footsteps of civilians were now like ghosts of memories past. No one would have accepted that this was a previously active peak C-class city. Repeated attacks from previous years had taught them many a painful lesson, especially when it came to evacuation procedures. The entire city had been safely evacuated to a large underground bunker by the Dwight family members.As the de facto leaders of the city, they had the ability to mobilise all city resources under them. The troops provided by the Yorks made sure the civilians followed the orders and kept the peace while the Cole provided provisions. The large bunker was under the stewardship of the Oxlade family.At an intersection, in one of the richest districts in the city, an area considered just outside the Dwight family compound, stood a relaxed Guy, looking at the sky. He
Last Updated : 2022-07-04
Titans Throne Stay Frosty
Let's rewind time a bit to understand what was happening. All the bigshots of the Cole family and Shasha family had gathered together. Bastian had put together a plan, and they were getting told what to do."First is the southern wall. This will be the only defensive battle on our hands, so it makes sense to have most of our soldiers there. Vermaelen will take most of General Moto's soldiers and hold the wall for us. This job is probably the most simple yet most pivotal.The aquatic daemons will have to climb over the wall to have any chance, so all Vermaelen has to do is keep them away from the wall. If that's hard, then take care of them if they climb it."Vermalaen grunted in response. General Moto was uncomfortable handing her his troops, but he trusted Bastian so he nodded, giving his blessing."Both Sula and General Moto, select and take the most elite soldiers from both armies and make a second group. This group shall move in tandem with Tino
Last Updated : 2022-06-29
Titans Throne A Plot Is Afoot
Every ten or so years Yani City would accept a new batch of mercenaries within their city. The unsuspecting mercenaries usually came from far away lands, so they had no clue regarding the tragedies that would befall them from the horde. On the Sovereign Continent, wars were as numerous as the stars in the night sky.Plenty of cities and countries would rely on mercenaries to deal with the problems that plagued the, with Yani city being no exception. The difference between the weak and strong however became apparent at this point, with the strong cites having strong home grown armies.Onismo York stood above a pile of daemon corpses.These were some of the birds that had made it over the wall. Onismo had stationed his men just behind the west and north side of the wall just in case the mercenaries were overwhelmed.The man was adorned in armour from head to toe while his right hand held a large battle axe that was far bigger than what his body should be able
Last Updated : 2022-06-29
Titans Throne Salvation
Kitrid started breaking into a cold sweat, because Meera's point was quite valid. Best way to deal with a horde this size is to deal with the alpha. The problem was that in this case the alpha might be too strong for them to handle, so Kitrid was not sure how they were going to go about it."What is taking Tyson so long? The support he promised should be here by now" Kitrid was fighting on the east wall facing the south east direction from which the horde was coming from. Due to the fact that his troops faced the full brunt of the horde, the elder council had promised support. Tyson Cole represented the elders by giving his word that he would send reinforcement if they were in dire straits.At the moment they had lost thousands of men. Thousands more were injured and even more were to fall in battle if this were to continue. The birds in the sky and the beasts on the ground formed a perfect combination minimizing all the advantages Kitrid and his troops had. 
Last Updated : 2022-06-29
Titans Throne Inner Demons
Bastian sat in the Cole family garden. It was a charming botanical wonder full of flowers Bastian had never seen before and well trimmed trees and hedges in neat little rows. Soon the plan would be put into action, and Bastian's mind had been racing. Several gardeners were tending to the maize of stunning flora. His clothes were fine and comfortable, provided by Tyson Cole while Bastian had been living under his house to prepare for the ensuing battle that was to come. His hair was growing again, in fact he found it grew quite quickly, but Bastian had become accustomed to keeping it short.He had been taking walks in Tyson Cole's garden more frequently in the past few days, choosing to seclude himself in meditative isolation as much as he possibly could, and he knew why. Since the deafening roar – no, that was too recent – since he had woken up in a foreign body in this foreign land and trapped with this foreign soul inside him that claimed to have become a
Last Updated : 2022-06-29
Titans Throne Family Bonds
She regained her footing and prepared to fire again. The thunderbird was busy snapping at something. She realised it was one of her men that the alpha thunderbird must have snatched as it swept over the wall.A few more chomps and it swallowed, leaving a dismembered leg to fall limp to the ground. Meera conjured another bow and began firing arrow-lances like crazy. With amazing agility it dodged them all and returned for another bite.it was clear the alpha was faster and stronger than normal thunderbirds, but Meera kept firing. As it swept over the wall again it snatched up another soldier with its tremendous jaws and took another one in its talons. The soldier trapped in its talons was still alive and was struggling to get free. The alpha thunderbird simply squeezed and there was a crunching noise. The soldier stopped struggling. The talons released him and he fell limp all the way to the hard ground.The alpha thunderbird made another hundred and eighty degree
Last Updated : 2022-06-29
Titans Throne Casualties
He was one of Kit's commanders and had been charged to hold the eastern wall. Now as the behemoths came closer he found that all the thoughts that had plagued him earlier. All the uncertainty seemed to fade away. Now his mind was clear, except for one thought. It was of her. He imagined her waiting for him in the city after the battle, and held on tight to the memory. They were getting closer now. Large, herbivorous behemoths with three large horns arranged in a triangle; two on its head and one on at the tip of its snout. They shook the earth as they knocked down anything in their way. If they got through then the city would definitely fall.Suddenly something heavy came down on him. He hadn't expected it. It knocked his horse over, throwing him to the ground. it was the corpse of a thunderbird that had been slain in mid-air. As he fell he spun around and kicked the thunderbird into the path of an oncoming behemoth. The lumbering beast tripped on the corpse, resulting in a d
Last Updated : 2022-06-29
Titans Throne Battlefront
Yani city itself was situated on a large desert island. the island itself was about the size of a small country. The daemon horde usually came from the far south east region of the island where there was a vast jungle that had not yet been consumed by the desert. While the inhabitants of the city could leave whenever they wanted, the island happened to be rich in one thing: minerals, and lots of them. This is what had drawn humans to the island and forced them to stay. Now the city was thriving and it was too late to turn back.As Kit scanned the horizon all he could see was sand and trees until the point where the sky touched the ground. But there was no doubt about it, the horde was coming. He turned around on Valo, to face his men."Listen." He said, calmly. His voice was loud and clear, and as the archers on top of the walls were all cultivators he knew he didn't have to speak very loud for them to hear him. "Can you hear it?" as the wind faded into the backg
Last Updated : 2022-06-29
Titans Throne War
Kit took a deep breath. His heart was racing, but his mind was surprisingly clear. Maybe he just couldn't hear himself think against the blaring noise of the sirens of Yani city warning them all of what was coming, a constant reminder of the impending doom in Kit's ears.His uniform was new, or it may have been Kit had never seen actual battle, which did little to inspire his men's faith in him. He led a band of mercenaries that had been hired by the elders of the city about ten years earlier for this very purpose. It was less a band and more like a small army and for ten years they had known the horde was coming. They had talked about this day, trained for it, and waited for it for ten years. Now the day had arrived and the city expected to get its money's worth.It was obvious that the past ten years had been all talk for most of the mercenaries belonging to the avenging shield mercenary group. They wore light black leather uniform. Kit, their commander,
Last Updated : 2022-06-29
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