The First Son's Revenge

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The First Son's Revenge

By: Vis Narabella CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 145 views: 4.8K

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Reid is the first son who is a genius, but all this time he has always been forced to hide his intelligence by his stepmother, treated like an idiot in front of other people and made a laughing stock. Reid could only remain silent because he had no one on his side. His father treated him coldly, while his biological mother had died. Even the girlfriend that Reid loves so much is cheating on him with his half-brother. Reid's patience ran out, he wanted revenge on those people, unfortunately he doesn't have the strength. Just when Reid felt hopeless, suddenly a man came and told him his true identity, that he was the last heir to the leading Arison company. It seems he now has enough power to take revenge.

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  • Affry Siadari


    wow, I like the story. can not wait....

    2023-11-29 13:04:39
  • Sufian Safi


    Quite interesting. I wonder how MC gonna do revenge to the people who already made him suffer

    2023-11-15 09:59:23
Latest Chapter
145 chapters
This afternoon at a fairly large company, a 27 year man was pacing back and forth in front of the photocopier. He was carrying piles of files.The plain shirt he was wearing seemed to be rolled up at the sleeves, showing off his strong, sweaty arms from the heat of the photocopier.And even after the files had been photocopied and delivered to their proper place, the man with the handsome face was still pacing back and forth, this time to the pantry to make coffee.People would think the man was an office boy if they saw what he did, but in fact he wasn’t. He is Reid Cliffton, the first son of the owner of the Cliffton family company who is actually treated like an office boy by his own younger brother, Liam Cliffton.Liam even told other employees not to hesitate to treat Reid the same.“Just tell him to make coffee or polish your shoes. He’s used to doing things like that at home,” said Liam during break time, when he and several other employees were in the canteen.“There’s no way
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After office hours ended, Reid went straight to Nancy's house. This time he didn't announce his arrival in advance because he wanted to make it a surprise.Reid plans to take Nancy to the restaurant he has booked and propose there.It was still clear in Reid's memory how they first met. At that time, Reid accidentally bumped into Nancy in a busy shopping center."Sorry," Reid said. Then Reid was amazed to see the appearance of the woman in front of him, her body is slim and tall, with a very beautiful face and her shoulder-length blonde hair. Her red lipstick emphasizes the shape of her full lips.The woman didn't respond to Reid's apology, looking annoyed. She turned to leave.Reid, who didn't feel like leaving just like that, hurriedly said. “I'm Reid Cliffton. What's your name?" Reid wanted to get acquainted.Suddenly the woman's steps stopped. “You are a member of the Cliffton family?”Reid cursed to himself, regretting why he had just mentioned his family's name. Everyone in this
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“Fuck! Are you crazy? How dare you hit me! Damn it!” Liam cursed angrily. Especially when he wiped his lips and found a red blood stain there, Liam's annoyance increased even more. Liam then pushed Reid back and swung his fist to hit him.Usually Reid would just silently accept Liam's anger, but this time it was different. Before Liam's punch could reach him, Reid dodged. It was Reid's turn to grab Liam by the collar, pulling it so that Liam had difficulty breathing because he was suffocating.“How dare you cheat on Nancy. Don't you have enough girlfriends that you have to steal mine too?!”So far, Liam has been known as a playboy. His background as the son of Daniel Cliffton, his high position in the office, and also his reputation as a genius make many women attracted to him. It wasn't difficult for Liam to get two women at once. Reid had often seen Liam surrounded by women, and the women were fighting for Liam's attention. Reid wasn't jealous about that, he didn't care. The only wo
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Reid blinked, then a second later he laughed.Arison Company? Even though Reid was only a lowly employee at his father's company, Reid also knew about the Arison company. It is the largest company in the country with fantastic revenue every month. Always ranks number 1 in income reports printed in business magazines.Is it possible that Reid is the last heir to the famous Arison company? Crazy.These people in front of him were definitely just frauds. Why did he have to meet so many fraudsters tonight?Reid snorted after laughing. He said, “Sorry, you chose the wrong target. I'm in a bad mood, I can't help you fill this prank talk show."After saying that, Reid turned around to get into his car.But the man immediately said, “Aren't you curious about who your mother's family is?”That sentence made Reid stop in his tracks. He immediately turned around. "You know my mother's family?"The first thing that actually crossed Reid's mind was, "Is it true that my mother has a family?" becaus
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The emotions that were most clearly visible on Jacob's face were expressions of joy. An expression that had not appeared on his face for a long time.Jacob looked at Reid as he continued his sentence, “You have the same eye color, almost the same face. I felt like I saw the male version of Claire. It's a shame that your mother is gone..." Jacob's voice turned sad when he said his last sentence, as did his expression.Reid was silent. He didn't expect that the day would come where he could meet someone who was also sad about his mother's departure. So far, Reid is the only person who is sad about Claire's departure, while the other members of the Cliffton family are grateful."Forgive me. My mother died while giving birth to me. It's all my fault," Reid said later, revealing his darkest thoughts so far.Reid often thought, if he wasn't there, his mother would still be alive. Even though Reid didn't like the idea that his living mother would still live with Daniel as his wife, Reid was
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“Raynold is my cousin. Since I was often sick 5 years ago, I represented the leadership of the Arison company to him. But it turns out that Raynold turned greedy and wanted to take complete control of the company. He wants to take over the company that I have worked so hard to build from scratch. He was very confident that he could do that because I couldn't go to the office anymore and there was no heir left to replace me. He's increasingly acting in an abusive manner at the company."Jacob paused his sentence for a moment to catch his breath. Anger made it difficult for him to breathe. Indeed, his personal doctor said that Jacob should control his emotions better.“Now that you are back, I hope you can take over the Arison company again. Arison Company must be in the hands of its rightful owner. Are you up to it, Reid?” said Jacob while looking closely at his grandson.Reid didn't answer immediately. His mind was spinning.All this time, he had been silent about receiving unfair tre
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Five days had passed since Reid arrived at the Arison family residence. Reid had learned quite a lot about the Arison company. Even an expert in the business world was brought directly to Arison's house to give Reid special lessons about business.Reid may have graduated with a master's degree in Business Management, but Reid's experience in companies is still limited, still far from Raynold or his two sons who have been involved in the corporate world for a long time.That's why Jacob brought in the business expert to be Reid's personal mentor.Reid studied seriously and absorbed everything quickly. Even the mentor praised Reid as a genius—which was true.That evening, when Reid had just finished his dinner, Charles approached his young master to tell him something."Young Master, I just received news from the spy who was sent to spy on Nancy," said Charles.“What did he say?" Reid asked, wiping his lips with a napkin.“Tonight—exactly in an hour—Nancy will have dinner with Liam at a
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Liam, who was forced to leave the restaurant, cursed with dirty words. Her white face seemed to be red with anger.“Damn! Fuck! Who the hell is that person? What power does he have to dare offend me? Doesn't he know who he's dealing with? Just watch out, next time we meet, I will teach him a lesson."“Never mind, Babe. Let's just look for another restaurant, okay? There are still many restaurants that are fancier than this restaurant," persuaded Nancy, trying to embrace Liam's arm again, but again Liam pushed her away.“You think I can still eat in this bad mood?” Liam replied in a curt tone."But you said earlier that you've been in a bad mood since you were at the office, and you wanted to see me so I could cheer you up. If you leave now, your mood will definitely get worse," replied Nancy, not giving up.Liam straightened his hair until it was messy, he looked frustrated. “Don't mention the office. My head gets even more stressed when I remember all the damn tasks that have piled u
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All the way home from the restaurant, Reid continued to smile. This was the first time he tasted the sweetness of revenge. The dessert he ordered earlier tasted many times more delicious."You don't need to report this matter to Grandpa," Reid said to Charles when they arrived at Arison's residence."Yes, Young Master," answered Charles obediently, even though Reid thought that because Charles had expressed objections to Reid's attitude earlier, Charles would report this to his grandfather and make Reid's movements restricted. But Reid's guess was wrong. Reid became increasingly pleased with his personal assistant's attitude."Sorry if I bothered you earlier," said Reid. So far, Reid has been used to being obedient to all orders from Liam and Abigail. In fact, Reid has no other choice but to obey because he doesn't have any strength.But now that Reid had finally moved into the Arison residence and knew what kind of power he truly had, Reid couldn't help but remain silent. He wanted t
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10Reid had never met Brian or the other members of Raynold Clark's family, but Reid had seen photos of each of them. That's why Reid immediately recognized who the figure who had just arrived was.Charles seemed panicked by Brian's arrival. He didn't expect that they would immediately meet Raynold's son before Reid even had a chance to talk to Amanda Waverly.But when Charles saw that his young master remained calm and inconspicuous in his disguise as a bodyguard, Charles' panic faded. He also tried to act calmer.“Wow, look, who's here? Dear Mr. Jacob's accomplice. Why did you come here alone, Charles? Where is your master? Shouldn't dogs walk with their masters? Or perhaps Master Jacob has untied you and let you roam as you please in search of a new master? You can join me and my father if you want," said Brian arrogantly."Sorry, Sir, but I'm not interested," Charles replied.Brian snorted, then he turned to Amanda Waverly. “What about you, Amanda? Will you also remain loyal to Mr
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