Jager: The Overpowered Hunter

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Jager: The Overpowered Hunter

By: Mangata OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 13 views: 241

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"Is that a meteor shower? Why is it so close?" "What is that thing? Why is it all black?" Adam Warlock was caught in the middle of an invasion that nearly destroyed the entire world. Dimensional portals opened up all over the city. Many strange creatures appear and kill everyone. Adam tried to save himself, but he was killed in the attack. For some reason, he met a creature called Paladin who gave him a second chance. And together they fought against the black creatures. But things don't end there. Paladin creates a new reality and takes Adam to a different future. There he discovers his true identity as a hunter of the Ordogs; creatures that come out of dimensional portals. What will happen to Adam? What is the fate of the world after the Ordogs make the biggest invasion in history? Read more in my first novel at Meganovel.

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  • Mangata


    This is my first novel. You can read it on the Meganovel app. Don't forget! Read it on the weekend! And enjoyed....

    2024-01-26 11:48:50
  • Gavi Assegaf


    The story is curious

    2024-01-26 21:52:23
Latest Chapter
13 chapters
"Hey, come with me after work." One of the employees approached Adam. He and the others looked annoyed when they saw the young man. Adam, who didn't understand what they meant, agreed. When office hours arrived, he went with his coworkers to an alley not far from the office. He had no idea why they had brought him there. "What's wrong? Why are we stopping here?" Adam asked them. There were five people standing in front of him at the moment. One of them was the one who talked to him before the bell went off. He came up to Adam with a serious look. Adam seemed to step back until his body touched the wall behind him. "Are you a sycophant?""You dare to flirt with Elena?!" Adam didn't understand what his friend was saying. He had never once flirted with Elena; the sexy woman who was the manager of his office."Liar!""You had dinner with her, right?!"Adam was getting more and more clueless. He might have had dinner with her, but it was for work reasons. "I only had dinner with her
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Born Again
When the business with the black creatures out there wasn't over, he had to get another problem in the afterlife."Am I dead?""Are you an angel?"Adam felt confused. The place he visited seemed to be on earth, but the atmosphere he felt was like being in another dimension. "Just answer my question. Do you want to come back to life and take your revenge?" The creature continued to press him. "How can I go back?" He could only stare at the creature."I will come with you. The explanation will come later after we return to your world." the creature whispered into Adam's ear with a smile. Snap! The snap of his fingers made everything between the two of them into an infinite white room. Adam was surprised by the change. The creature in front of him suddenly transformed back into a luminous figure that shone so brightly. If you could imagine the black creature before, then the creature in front of Adam right now was the light version."Before we go back, there's something you should kn
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Portal to Another Dimension
Using teleportation, Paladin brought Adam near a dimensional portal. The portal was located at the site of a national monument. But unfortunately, the portal destroyed the national monument without leaving a trace. And the portal was the cause of all the disasters that occurred. The diameter of the portal was as high as the national monument. It was about 550 meters tall. It was shaped like a circle with a bluish-white shell of energy in the center. If you're used to seeing dimensional portals in science fiction games or movies, that's what the portal in front of Adam looked like. Everything around the portal looked destroyed. There were so many ruins of buildings scattered around. Plus, there were several humans who seemed to be approaching the portal. "So this is the portal?""Cool, right?""Do you want to admire it or close it?""Both."Paladin saw several people walking from different directions. They were heading towards the portal. He realized that they were humans shaded by
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Attack of the Ordogs
"King?!" Adam was startled. He turned his head quickly towards the Paladin. "Adam, from now on you must fight alone. I will only stay inside your body. The Paladins are not allowed to join in attacking the Ordogs. You must fight them with your own strength." The Paladin felt it was time for him to say goodbye. He would return to Adam's body and serve only as an observer. "Wait a minute! Then what about me? Am I supposed to kill those creatures with my bare hands?" Adam felt confused. The paladin had given him no choice. He doubted himself. He doubted if he could defeat those creatures. The paladin didn't just walk away from him. He gave Adam the knowledge of his powers. Each Paladin is endowed with their own special powers. It was that power that could be used by humans who were chosen to become Jagers—Ordog hunters. "Take a good look at my power. When we join again, your body will understand me. Every experience and memory I have will be experienced by you as well. It's like we s
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Adam Fights the Ordog King
The swing of the black trident, which was as large as a 400-meter lighthouse, sent the Jagers flying. The wind caused by the swing of the trident made the dust around the portal billow upwards. As the Ordog king swung his trident again, the few people who managed to dodge began to attack him. They created a combination attack to tie up the giant's body. "Hey, tell me how!" Adam tried to think. He was still looking for a way to defeat the Ordog king. "You have to die." Paladin gave the answer. "What do you mean?" Adam was confused. "I will drain my maximum power into your body. Your body will be destroyed, but you will evolve into a being equal to Paladin. Let's call it half-Paladin. With that evolution, you can use up to 80 percent of my power. That's enough to kill him." The Paladin had finished explaining. Adam felt indecisive. He who had just come back to life did not want to die again. Moreover, this time there was no guarantee for him to live again. Paladin left the decision
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New Reality 
"This is a gift from me to you. Live once more and stop them the right way. We will meet again when you realize who you really are." Those words always plagued Adam's mind when he slept. Dreams about the war between Ordog and himself, the ruined city, the dimensional portal in the middle of the city, and the glowing figure of a Paladin he did not recognize. All of those things continued to plague Adam for the rest of his life. "Another nightmare?" Someone greeted Adam who was asleep at his desk. "Sorry. These dreams have been coming for the past few years. I don't even know what it means." Adam stretched his neck muscles. After that, he drank the coffee he made last night."Hey, if you think the dream is related to Ordog's first invasion of Earth, then you've lived for a hundred years. You could be a survivor or a time traveler. But, that's not possible." Jonny; Adam's coworker laughed so hard that he forgot about the glass door in front of him. "Ouch!""Who moved the door?!"He w
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Massive Invasion
"Get out of here!" One of the soldiers shouted once more before he was killed by one of the Ordogs. The citizens immediately ran to save themselves. But unfortunately, the Ordogs who were shaped like birdmen immediately hunted down the fleeing citizens. Adam who was carrying Patrick immediately left the chaos. The loser who was good at running away finally showed his skills. He took a shortcut on a small road. His legs kept running until he reached the end of the road. "Oh, shit! "They're everywhere!" Adam ran into the Ordogs again. He turned right and ran away from them. Together with the people, he continued to run towards his office which was not far from the road. Unfortunately, the bird-man Ordog chased after him. The claws on the Ordog's legs slashed at both of Adam's shoulders, causing him to fall forward. And the cat also fell and escaped from his hands."Patrick!"Unfortunately, the cat ran off without him. It seemed that Patrick really knew how to return a favor to his
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Adam Remembers Everything
The situation outside the administration building was getting messy. After the administration building was destroyed, the people who took refuge inside chose to leave for the mountains to the south. Even so, the Ordogs were still on the loose to hunt down the humans still around the portal. The black gorilla was still serving the few Jagers and soldiers who kept urging him to return to the portal. "Are you coming with me?" Jonny asked his friend to come with him to the south. "Sorry, but I'm staying here." Adam felt that there were many things to take care of in the city. "Are you crazy?! Why do you want to stay here?" Jonny found his friend very strange. "Patrick is out there. I have to find him." Adam's reasoning made no sense. "Patrick? He's just a cat! You want to risk your life for him?" Jonny felt like his friend's brain was broken. "Whatever you say, but I'll stay here." Adam remained in the administration building. He refused his friend's offer. "Whatever you say!" Jonn
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Shadows and Light
"Is there any guarantee that the portal won't close while I'm inside?" "Of course not. No one knows what will happen."Adam felt unsure about going inside. However, looking at the injured people, the destroyed buildings, and the dead, he felt their sacrifice should be atoned for. If the portal remained open, Adam feared a second attack from Ordog. "Hey! You!" Someone shouted at him. Adam looked down. He saw a Jager who asked him to come. It looked like the person was a senior Jager. It was obvious from his rather old face. "You shot that thing?""That's right.""Are you one of the Jagers?""No, I'm not. I'm just a citizen.""Just a citizen? That doesn't make sense.""Then why?""An ordinary person with Jager powers as strong as yours should be in the Jager organization. Are you a newcomer?" The Jager continued to ask her questions. He was curious about the identity of the man who had killed the black gorilla. While the junior and senior Jagers cleaned up the mess, he continued to
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Boss of the Jager Organization
The shot caused the crystal at the top of the tower to crack and slowly disintegrate in an explosion. A wave of energy swept through the air to where Kato and Oliver were. Both immediately turned their heads towards the portal that was quite a distance away from where they were. "The portal is shrinking!" Kato shouted."We have to hurry! I don't want to get stuck in this dimension!" Oliver recreated the shadow horse. Since there was no time left, Kato got on the horse as well. Oliver rode his horse at full speed. He used his Mana to speed up his horse. "The portal is closing very fast!" Oliver was afraid he wouldn't be able to catch up. They were currently about a kilometer away from the portal. "Maybe I can do this!" Kato remembered his teleportation technique. His memory of the battle between himself and Gideon had come in handy. "Do what?" Oliver doubted that they would make it in time. Before snapping his fingers, he held Oliver's shoulder with one hand. And when he snapped
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