Amazing Doctor Richester

19 ratings

Amazing Doctor Richester

By: Ibiso Bobmanuel CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 165 views: 34.3K

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"Don't do anything! Just sit and watch else I will either kill or divorce you, you brute!" Richester Winston has been under his wife's dominance after he was rejected by ten hospitals for no valid reason, it deemed him a failure. He was treated disdainfully by his in-laws, became a laughing stock in the hospital and at home. But everything changed when his super doctor system activated and he was given tasks in order to level up. Will Richester ever outgrow being a live-in-son-in-law or become an amazing Doctor in his prime?

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  • Ibiso Bobmanuel


    Check out my new urban son-in-law book titled: The Amazing GrandMaster. It's worth reading too!! Thank you

    2023-10-06 00:00:08
  • Nick Lovite


    Nice story and great work

    2023-08-11 22:21:34
  • Ahmed Haruna


    i love this. I can't take my eyes off this book...

    2023-08-09 19:18:31
  • Ibiso Bobmanuel


    In other to follow up for edited chapters, kindly remove book from library and add again - that way, updated and edited chapter will become visible. Thank you for reading and I hope you'd recommend and drop honest reviews.

    2023-08-09 15:20:21
  • Vlv Saga


    Amazing, enjoyed reading

    2023-07-29 13:13:35
  • stick-0



    2023-07-28 14:44:40
  • Chief M.L. Efere


    Good story. Such novel, I can hardly drop it since I started reading it.

    2023-07-24 07:16:00
  • Ibiso Bobmanuel


    I love this book, consistent update and interesting plot.

    2023-07-02 14:58:14
  • Sesh


    From the start, the storyline was quite different, and I enjoyed the first chapter thoroughly. You can expect me to be here every time I get some time to read! Good luck dear author!

    2023-06-20 01:40:07
  • Baby Tom


    Very interesting book, love it!

    2023-06-18 20:16:41
  • King Mohammed


    Awesome stuff you've here, I love it.

    2023-06-18 04:45:07
  • Ella Chimezie


    Okay, this is officially the best urban romance book I've read for a very long time. Kudos to the author for the consistent update and the amazing storyline!!

    2023-06-18 00:12:58
  • hurtpen619


    what can I say....... this book is giving, if you're looking for something to hook your eyes, try ibisobob.

    2023-06-12 01:25:10
  • Ibiso Bobmanuel


    This is my first book on Meganovel and I'm willing to give it my best. Please read, recommend and leave honest reviews.

    2023-06-03 00:00:06
  • phoenixprobes


    Good book nicely written

    2024-05-30 19:04:54
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165 chapters
Chapter One
"What are you doing there? Walk faster and submit this to the nurse leader!" John, the gynecologist, commanded Richester seriously as he pushed a file into his hand."Yes sir." He took the file with utmost respect and returned to the leader's office.Richester Winston worked at Mandela's hospital, one of the largest and famous hospitals in New York. It was owned by his in-laws and he was positioned as Madam Harriet's assistant. Madam Harriet was his mother-in-law who derived pleasure from seeing him suffer.All he did was run around in the hospital without being allowed to attend to any patient. He only bore the name doctor without any practice. He was a general practitioner in the hospital even when he had a good medical result, his wife never allowed him to work. She saw him as someone who must remain under her."Ma'am, here is the file from Mr. John." He said courteously as he placed them on the nurse leader's table.She was among the high level doctors in the hospital and knew all
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Chapter Two
"Say sorry to him," Stella said, flaring a nostril. She looked like a demon possessed her. "And who is he that can't apologize when he is wrong?" Richester questioned staring at the man over and over again.Mr. Robinson turned to Stella while shaking his head, Stella exhaled deeply trying to recollect her thoughts."Mr. Robinson, I'm really sorry about…" she began but he interrupted her."I have heard rumors about your silly husband but now I can tell that they are all true." He spat at her face before turning to Richester."You are just an idiot and I doubt if anyone would accept you if not for this…" he stopped talking because he noticed it was of no use.The staff had already started gossiping between themselves as they watched the scenario happening before them."Look here, Mrs. Stella. I'm sorry but I don't think I can keep up with the deal." He said seriously as he attempted to leave, she grabbed his arm looking so desperate."Please." she cried out."We can talk this out, Robi
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Chapter Three
The atmosphere was unbearable as he watched his wife who made no move. She seemed comfortable at her current position."Who's this douchebag?" The man who was comfortably lying on his bed snorted.He was light in complexion with properly tanned skin, he looked thin with an aggressive face covered with white beard."What are you doing here?" Stella finally found her voice, she questioned in disgust."What am I doing here? I'm your husband, why do you hate me so much?" He wondered in confusion as he couldn't tell if it was the same woman he married years ago.Stella was confidently sleeping with another man on their matrimonial bed. She would do anything to bring in more clients into their company, and she doesn't mind offending her lame husband."Get out before I get angry!" She yelled at him in contempt and relaxed on the man's shoulder.His name was Joshua. He was deeply in love with Stella though Stella only wants him for the benefits. He was a famous investor and rich in the city,
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Chapter Four
The hospital was bustling with morning activities and emergency sirens blowing everywhere. The nurses and doctors were running and rushing around with patients on the rolling bed."Thank you, please sit in the available seat." The receptionist nurse said to a patient while giving her the hospital card that she had paid for.Richester exhaled heavily as he came out of a hospital room with Doctor Frank."Watch without doing anything, you won't listen. Do you need me to report you again?" Doctor Frank yelled at his face as he snatched the file in his hand and left into the hallway.Beads of sweat were already formed on Richester's forehead. He has been feeling cranky since morning, especially since the system had given him a task that he must accomplish. He felt as though he was already losing an organ since there was no progress in his mission.He walked over to the nearby hospital water heater and poured some water into a disposable cup. He was about to drink it when he noticed a pregn
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Chapter Five
Doctor Hailey, one of the senior doctors, came into the hospital room when she heard the report from the nurses. Richester was seriously attending to the woman by disinfecting her injury, honestly he didn't know what he was doing but his hands kept on working faster than he could control it."You started it so get ready to bear the consequences. Your wife will definitely throw you out this time." Hailey informed him curtly in a mocking tone."I'm doing what's right and I have already agreed to bear the consequences." He said absentmindedly as he rounded up bandaging the woman's injury."Better! I laugh at you so much and can't wait to see you homeless." She sneered in annoyance and stormed out of the room.Shortly, the woman's husband came in looking anxious."Sir, how's my wife?" He asked as he approached his wife who was lying on the bed.Richester had already arranged her wound and cleaned her with the spirit. She was looking better than before."Your wife will wake up in no time.
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Chapter Six
Zoey followed Stella back to her office. Stella didn't look affected by her lame husband's statement. She sighed heavily as she took her seat, Zoey sat across from her."What will become of Rich? Does he have anywhere to go? Why did he quit?" Zoey was worried but she didn't want to show it."Don't mind him. He will eventually return begging, he does this once in a year." She rolled her eyes, looking uninterested in the conversation."Anyways, did you see John last night? I can't keep my eyes away from him." Stella changed the conversation and Zoey shook her head in disbelief."Ella, you are married. Don't you ever forget that." Zoey reminded her with a friendly tone."Do we call that one husband? He is nothing but a useless statue." She said,"I don't know what to say to you. It also suits him right since he is timid and silly." Zoey spat and that lightened Stella's mood, she laughed happily."Rather than talking about my silly husband, how about a little champagne party for the morni
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Chapter Seven
The cafe in the street was bustling with life, Richester stepped into the cafe and the door made a jingling sound that made almost everyone look at the exit. He was still dressed in his usual lame outfit.He sat at the window seat waiting for the agent he had just finished discussing over the phone.The man was doubting and wanted to see with his own eyes. Richester also asked him to come with the necessary documents that demanded his signature."Will you want anything?" The waitress batted her lashes disgustingly at him.No doubt she was beautiful but he had no guts to talk to her in a way that she may not be offended."I'm fine." He managed to say."This is not a place for free sitting. You have to order something in the next few minutes, otherwise you will be pushed out." She sighed and left for the next table.He shook his head in disbelief, but the jingling sound attracted his attention. He saw the agent approaching him. They sat across from each other."Do you mean what you said
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Chapter Eight
"Well, I'm in a good mood today." She crossed her arms."If you want me to forgive you and consider taking you back, go and get me a cup of coffee." She said curtly while batting her long lashes."But I…" Richester began but was interrupted."What did you say?" The agent approached them, Richester exhaled heavily as they faced him."I'm telling my scum of a husband to get me a cup of coffee. Does that affect you?" She asked curling her lips."I'm sorry, you must be mistaken, Mrs. Stella." The agent said and her eyes were asking for elaboration."He is Mr. Richester Winston, the man that bought the company." The agent said and Stella gasped, looking at her husband again."WHAT?!" She shouted absentmindedly as her eyes tore in desperation."Yes. He single handedly purchase your hospital and you should get him a cup of coffee and not the other way round." The agent explained to her and she laughed in confusion."This man… this brute, Richester bought my family hospital. How is that even
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Chapter Nine
The meeting kept everyone on their toes as news spread like wildfire in the entire hospital that Richester was the newest Chief Executive Officer and Doctor.Stella rushed towards him at high pace when he was leaving her mother's office."Hey, stop right there!" She called out to him and was about to touch him but the agent stopped her.He had a change of mind and swore loyalty to Richester thus he was willing to do anything for him. His name is Raymond."What do you want?" Unlike the formal, he only watched while Raymond dealt with his wife."I have something to say to you." She exhaled sharply."I'm all ears." That was when he faced her."You might have played some silly game in deceiving everyone and gaining the company but that doesn't mean it is the end." She began in an annoying voice."You still lack skill and manpower which means you are still under me to follow all my leads because I'm the head doctor." She spat at his face in disgust."So, play your game but I'm still the he
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Chapter Ten
"How — did you — know about this?" She covered her mouth with her palm, staring at Richester in disbelief."And you –" He faced the other servant. "Do you want me to spill?" He raised a corny brow and she scoffed."Spill what? I have no secret?" She rolled her eyes away from him, acting all bold.He approached her."I think you have one –" he beckoned closer to her, so obvious that he wanted the others to hear."You stole Madam Harriet's $1,000 last night —" he paused and looked at her. Her eyes were already wide open with her mouth trembling."Should I continue?" He made an attempt to continue but all the servants fell to their knees."Please don't. Please don't, Mr. Richester." They lowered their heads to the ground.The others were already convinced that he could also expose them if they continued acting adamant; they had to admit defeat by submitting to him. He smirked in mockery."So, should I still clean the room?" He raised a brow but they shook their heads in refusal immediate
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