The Heir's Redemption (From Disgrace to Dominance)

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The Heir's Redemption (From Disgrace to Dominance)

By: Faith George Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 133 views: 493

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Sebastian, who was wrongly accused and cast aside by the Prestigious Prime family, was adopted by Grandma Nike, and accepted as a son-in-law into the Nike family. However, after Grandma Nike's death, Sebatian faced relentless humiliation and mockery from the Nike family because he was poor. Every humiliation he got made him crazy. The moment he gained power and wealth, he said, "If they think they're going to get away with what they made me pass through, then they must be crazier than I was.” I sense it's pay back time!

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The Heir's Redemption (From Disgrace to Dominance) Novels Online Free PDF Download

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  • ubompatience07


    It's quite a book, almost like I'm in the scene watching what happens especially with the Nike family. Sebastian went through a lot and learnt to play the game hahaha

    2024-05-14 18:50:38
  • Diana Blessing


    fantastic, keep it up

    2024-05-14 05:08:40
  • Diana Blessing


    nice book, good job

    2024-05-12 05:14:48
  • Diana Blessing



    2024-05-10 23:54:55
  • Faith George


    this is nice

    2024-05-10 23:53:56
Latest Chapter
133 chapters
Chapter 1
As the sun set and the sky darkened, the celebrations at that very moment were beyond forgery. As there were glows of light at the Nike family house in the city of Lanchester.It was a night when the Nike company's tenth anniversary was celebrated, and of course, guests were present.All the invited guests presented gifts to the head of the Nike Company and said, “Happy tenth anniversary Senior Nike, we hope the company continues to grow at an accelerated pace.”How delightful Senior Nike was as he stood up from his chair majestically. He replied, “Thank you so much for the gifts, but I'll thank every member of the Nike family more for the support they all have given to the company. And because I'm happy today, I'll grant any wish they make! Just say any wish.”“Grandpa, I want an iPhone 15 pro max…”“Grandpa, I want a new model BMW car…”“Grandpa, I want an apple laptop…”“...”“Alright then, your wishes are my command, I'll fulfill them all!” Senior Nike gave them his word in an ins
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Chapter 2
It's a message from $BLOCK. Sebastian was caught unaware by the message.$BLOCK is a cryptocurrency which he invested his funds long ago.Just as he was trying to absorb the news from $BLOCK, his old phone rang yet again. And this time, it was a call, immediately he picked up.“Sir, the Prime Enterprise is in a serious financial crisis. Please we need your help urgently, we beg you to return to the company.”“It's a call from the Primes.” In a second, Sebastian's face was squeezed.The most influential family in Lanchester as they were obliged to remain so, the Primes.Sebastian, once upon a time, was an heir of the Prime family, but he was wrongly accused as the General manager of Prime Enterprises of embezzling the company's funds. For this reason, he was disowned and sent away by the Prime family.The Prime Enterprise was never to consider and reconsider him as one of the Prime Enterprise anymore.“What boldness for you to think I have such financial power to help the company. What
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Chapter 3
That night after dinner, Sebastian was lying in the store room, but could not sleep. He was not pleased that the Nike family was willing and ready to give Juliana to Brian. Totally ignoring him as the husband.Then again, the thoughts of him suddenly becoming a multi-trillionaire came. This made him so excited.“Wow, so it's not a dream after all?” He asked himself while patting his face slightly. “I wish Grandma Nike was still alive to rejoice with me.”He managed to get some sleep that night. The next day, Sebastian was cleaning the house that early morning.“Sebastian, why the hell have you not cleaned mom's shoes and my shoes yet?” Sebastian was downstairs when he heard a voice from the top floor. It Sounded like his wife's voice. He paused what he was doing at that moment, and looked up to see who it was. It was Jade.“Hey sister, good morning. Did you sleep well?” Sebastian shared his morning pleasantries.“Did you just call me your sister? You this poor thing, I don't even blam
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Chapter 4
“Oh, thanks to our creator. I was thinking you've changed your mind.”“I will make sure the documents are set for tomorrow, we'll meet at the Prime family house so you can sign them.”Sebastian couldn't utter another word on the phone, because of how angry he still was. So after his uncle told him where to meet, he hung up the phone.The wedding day of Brian male cousin was near, and Brian gave an invitation to Senior Nike when he dropped off Juliana at company. He invited the Nike family, and some of the staff members too.At the Prime Enterprise, he invited Williams Prime and some of his colleagues as well.Looking at the invitation card given to him, Williams Prime smiled and said, “I will try to honor the invitation, you have my word.”“Thank you so much sir.” Brian bowed and left Williams Prime office.Later that day, the news of the wedding was already known in the city. Brian's status made it possible to go viral. The Nike family were preparing themselves to attend.***The nex
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Chapter 5
Sebastian hurried home as he was not only hastening his feet but also running to avoid being late.He finally got home, and as soon as he opened the entrance door of the house, he met Juliana. She was beautifully dressed, with her dazzling body shape.Sebastian was all lost as he gazed helplessly at his beautiful wife. He was stunned for some moment, thinking about how his wife becomes more beautiful every day.“Sebatian, what are you standing there looking at? Where have you been? We are almost running late.”Sebastian got back to his lost self, swinging his hands like he was looking for something. He stammered, “I went to get… I went to the other street to—”“What is wrong with you Sebastian? Go get prepared, or we'll be late.” Juliana interrupted as she wasn't even prepared for Sebatian's explanation.She wouldn't have even bothered going with Sebastian to the wedding if it wasn't for Cindy and Romy. They would have definitely mocked her for marrying someone she can't go out with.
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Chapter 6
“Who the hell are you to counter my orders? I am the manager of Prime Enterprise. Who are you?!”Brian was raging already, he couldn't see who it was that countered his order because the person was seated in front of the big hall.A man was walking towards the direction of where Brian was. Vivian quickly recognized the man and tried to warn Brian, but when she saw how Brian was so annoyed, she said nothing.When the man got closer to Brian, he removed the black shade he wore and Brian was able to truly recognize him.Brian was shivering as he broke out in a cold sweat, his sweat dripping, he said, “Chief.. Chief Prime, were you the one? I'm so sorry, Chief Prime, I honestly did not know.”It was Williams Prime. Brian did not come that early to the venue to realize that Williams Prime was already in the hall before him, seated in front.“Brian, were you actually questioning me?” Williams asked for clarity, even when he knew Brian wouldn't dare to.“No sir, I wouldn't dare to do that.”
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Chapter 7
From the banks of the Lanchester river to the Lanchester city main gate, the atmosphere that morning was so cold.Sebastian was awake early enough to carry out his normal morning chores.Every member of the Nike family was preparing to go to the company, although Senior Nike had already left.Sebatian, who was in the store room, was also getting ready to go to the Prime Company, which was located at the east road in Lanchester city.Williams Prime called him last night, and said he won't be coming that early in the morning to company due to some engagements. But will make sure the general secretary, Abigail Nelson, will be available early enough to show him anything he wants to see about the Company.Soon, all members of the Nike family left for the Nike company. After some time, Sebatian left also for Prime company.***On getting to the Prime Enterprise, Sebatian stood in awe as he stared at the skyscraper in front of him. The last time he was here, the building was incomplete. Now,
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Chapter 8
Vivian was standing, looking stunned in front of Sebatian and Abigail in the office of the President. She then felt so ashamed of herself.“I'm sorry, I'm sorry..” Vivian said as he got out from shock, and got back to herself. She picked up the file she dropped on the floor.The General Secretary ignored her, and took the file from her hands. She took out the investment plans from the file, putting them in front of Sebastian, she said, “My President, these are the plans for this year's investment. Every company and the total amount of investments is there.”The investment plans were made up of potential investment that other companies are willing to stake. Every year, companies in Lanchester, including the Nike company, invests in Prime Enterprises, for future returns.The year was different because Prime Enterprise kept the plans on hold because of the crisis, in order not to disappoint those companies in their yearly returns. But now, the crisis is over.Sebastian looked through the
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Chapter 9
“Huh, why are you all just forcing me?” Juliana had to voice out. “I said it last time that I'll think about it.”Grandpa Nike became disgusted with his grand daughter's hesitation. He said coldly, “What are you trying to do? The earlier you accept Brian, the better for you! The useless husband you have now has nothing to offer you.”Grandpa Nike was not having it, he was determined to persuade his granddaughter to marry Brian, just for the good of the company and the family.“Look here my daughter, I'm your mother and I know what is best for you. Don't toss aside a bright future all because of indecision.”“Cousin, this kind of love Brian is willing to give to you is so enviable. Your penniless husband can't even afford to offer you such love.”The pressure from the family members was still coming, as Juliana became so uncomfortable with their lack of understanding, and felt worse in her heart at the moment. In front of her family, she's a pain to them again.In the moment, Sebastian
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Chapter 10
“You?” Brian was dumbfounded at first. He then placed his hands on his head in amusement.It was another reason for everyone present to be in silence at that very moment. They all stared at Sebastian with amazement.This live-in son-in-law just spoke with absolute certainty. Could it be that he's indeed the President of Prime Enterprise?Grandpa Nike wasn't ready to even think about the pronouncement Sebatian just made. He didn't believe him. He smiled and said disenchantedly, “The so-called husband to my granddaughter, has gone totally insane.”The moment Grandpa Nike said that, Romy, Jade and Cindy broke into laughter. They gave Sebatian a look of them being highly flabbergasted by what he just said.“You're nothing but a poor thing who is a live-in son-in-law. How dare you use Prime Enterprise to elevate your status?”“What in the world did my sister marry? I mean, this guy is a clown.” “Do you really think the Nike family are joking here, or do we look like a joke to you?”“Sebas
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