Journey To The Peak

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Journey To The Peak

By: Dyoxily OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 23 views: 901

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Earth is no longer the same as it was in the past. A Metamorphosis descended, changing it all. The soil evolved, plants and organisms did too and most importantly, humans evolved as well. Alex Pendragon journeys through the vast universe, uncovering its secrets in his rise to power, despite his naivete. **** "Place your palm on the disk, young one." the Town Head spoke, his voice sounding aged and raspy and that was because he was an old man. Alex obeyed and placed his right palm on the circular disk. It lit up with a bright white light and he could feel an energy seeping into his body. It felt warm and welcoming, it was also docile. The light continued to shine brighter by the second. The Town's Head brows shot up as this was a situation that happened far too rarely. Alex didn't know what was happening but he was sure it was abnormal. He had watched the person that was tested before him, and the light only lasted for 10 seconds. 'I don't know if this kid is lucky or unlucky. The few times this situation happens, it isn't a happy ending.' the Town Head thought to himself with a sad smile.

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  • Marigold


    This book is super intresting

    2024-07-26 11:30:03
  • Dyoxily


    Updates will be based on your level of support of the book. Join me as we create something great.

    2024-05-31 14:39:07
  • Dyoxily


    JTTP will be a spin of your usual fantasy! I assure that it has a lot of potential. Their would be betrayals, plot twist and mind blowing characters. stayed tuned! ...️

    2024-05-31 14:37:00
Latest Chapter
23 chapters
Chapter 1: The Awakening
In a small town situated in the Lurora Empire, some of its inhabitants were gathered at the Town square. It was that time of the year when those at or above the age of 15 were to be tested for their awoken ability. This test occurs throughout the planet of Clodia. If the planets were to be grouped according to size, planet Clodia would be a medium-sized planet. It was neither big nor small and was under the control of the Lurora Empire. Among the people present was a boy with short black hair having some streaks of red. His eyes were coloured light green and his facial appearance was that of a handsome teenager. "Are you nervous, Alex?" Amaya, the boy's Mom spoke tenderly, her green eyes looking at Alex with affection. Her hair was silk black and was packed into a ponytail, elegantly displaying her beautiful visage that looked like that of a fairytale Queen. "Of course he's okay, he's a man. It's just a stupid test." Alex's Dad said, unlike his wife, he was not the slightest b
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Chapter 2: Confused
The purpose of the ability test was to know the name and type of ability a person has and also its grade. In the world of Clodia abilities are categorised into Elemental, Physical, Energy, Sensory, and Miscellaneous types. Water manipulation, enhanced strength, energy blasts, enhanced hearing, and telepathy. These are various abilities in the five categories respectively. Just like abilities were graded, weapons were also graded based on the materials and skill used in creating them. Black grade, Azure grade, Bronze grade, Silver grade, Gold grade, Pure grade, and Transcendent grade are the various grades with Black being the lowest and Pure being the highest. Alex and his parents returned home after he came with the test result. They were informed that the Academy Selections would be happening in a week, so those interested had only a week to get ready. ~Back then, at the Town square~ When Alex returned to meet with his parents, he handed the paper to them. He had refraine
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Chapter 3: Nothing But The Best
Alex paused mid-swing and turned around to face his Dad who was about 20 metres away from him. "Okay okay, truly, I am serious about what I said. It is indeed about your ability." Lucius said as he saw the questioning look his son was giving him. He went over to Alex and placed both of his hands on each of Alex's shoulders and stared into his eyes. Lucius could see the light and expectation in them which made him smile. He then sat down on the grassy field and gestured for Alex to do the same. When both of them were seated and relaxed, Lucius began to speak. "For an ability to function, energy is very much needed. When a person awakens their ability, their body is slightly tempered and they gain access to this energy needed for the ability to function." "This energy is mostly in small amounts but it increases with time and even faster with the help of absorbing crystals." Alex listened attentively, he wondered how his Dad gained so much knowledge about abilities. 'Speaking
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Chapter 4: No Ability?
The people in the crowd who knew Alex was the one the first rumour was about were bewildered, not just because he was participating but the mere fact that he chose Royal Academy. What sort of nonsense was this? Royal Academy could be said to be the best in the whole of Lurora Empire. As the name implied, it was the Academy that most royalties attended and even the present Empress is an alumnus of Royal Academy. It is an Academy that was founded by the Royal family many years ago. The reason Alex chose it wasn't because it was filled with royalties coming from high-end families but because it has the best resources available and as such, it produced better and stronger students. If Alex was going to understand his highly complicated ability, he would need the information and resources of the Academy. The representative of Royal Academy was a middle-aged lady. She had an indifferent expression on her face and was putting on white inner clothing and a purple coat on top that had the
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Chapter 5: Weakling
It seemed like Liz was toying with Alex and had decided to get serious. The truth was that this was just a test for Alex to show his skills to the Academy, if it was a real battle, Alex would have lost from the very beginning. The way he awkwardly deflected the bone shards, his footwork, and his coordination they all screamed that he was a novice and had no skill whatsoever. How could he have skills though? All his opponents were imaginary and he had no teacher in swordmanship. This was also the reason he needed to join an Academy. If he couldn't, his future in Clodia would be at the bottom as he had no strength. Liz steadily increased the number of bone shards from one at a time to two and then three. The sides of Alex's wooden sword were being chipped off as he luckily deflected the shards. His hands were beginning to feel numb and his clothes were soaked from rigorous sweating of his body. One of the bone shards nicked him on the shoulder making blood slip through the cut. A
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Chapter 6: Holster Academy
Seeing Alex lying unconscious outside the platform, Amaya stood up intending to go to check up on her son, but her hand was grabbed back by her husband. She tried to break free but the grip on her wrist remained firm. She exhaled deeply and sat down back. Her motherly instinct had kicked in and she cared for her son. The town head was already by Alex and then carried him away, so his injuries could be attended to. The rest of the Selection process continued while Alex was being healed up. Marko town had an individual with a healing ability and even if they didn't, the various Academies came with a healer of their own due to the kind of testing methods they used. It didn't take much time for Alex's injury to stop bleeding and seal up, it even looked some days old when the healer was done. Alex was taken afterward to a place where the other participants who had been tested were kept. He was able to watch three others being tested before it was over. When it ended, they were a
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Chapter 7: Gifts
A house made entirely of brown wood stood at the center of a compound. A makeshift fence 15 inches in height, made of different wood pieces surrounded the house. This was the house Alex and his parents lived in. There weren't many houses built with bricks or cement in Marko Town, it was a small town after all and most of the houses were made by the occupants themselves. Compared to other houses, Lucius' house was a paradise. It had a clean lawn surrounding its sides and a few shady trees and a little garden by the corner. The house looked strangely magnificent and out of place in Marko Town. Alex sat on the lawn, leaning on one of the trees. It was getting to evening which made the air a bit cool. He stared into oblivion recollecting the events of the day. It had always been a habit of his. 'Today was one hell of a ride. I got my ass kicked by a girl. Haha,' Alex thought with a self-deprecating laughter. 'well, at least I'll be joining an Academy so it isn't an all-round los
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Chapter 8: Holster City
The following day which was the day Alex was to leave for Holster Academy, his mom prepared delicious meat soup for him and packaged another which was stored in Alex's ring. Before Gavin, the old man who is the representative of Holster Academy came by, Amaya and her husband had a small talk with their son. "Alex, before you go you should know that the Academy isn't an easy place for people with low societal standing. For us from small towns like this, it depends on our talent and hard work," Lucius said as he poured himself a cup of coffee. Took a sip and relaxed on the couch which was opposite the center table. "But for you. You are a talented son after all you are a Pendragon. Your mom and I expect great things from you. So go out there and make us proud, son!" "I'll do my best and make you both proud, you don't need to worry about me," Alex replied excitedly. "Come here, my little boy." A loving smile hung on Lucius' lips while Amaya stood up from the couch and gave Ale
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Chapter 9: Testing
The large gates of Holster Academy were opened after the Spade made a loud honk. They drove into the Academy and were stopped by a guard dressed in dark blue light armour. The side window of the Spade was rolled down and Gavin showed the guard a pass card. After that, they took a left turn before coming to a stop. "Listen up!" Gavin said. "Those of you who were recruited through the Selection will need to be registered before being accepted into your new status as official students of Holster Academy. One of the students here will lead you to the Administrative block to be registered." "I'll lead them, Instructor Gavin!" one of the students volunteered. It was the boy who kept stealing glances at Alex during their ride to the Academy. "Good. Now leave, I'll also be coming to the Administrative block soon." Gavin said, and pressed on one of the control buttons and the doors of the Spade opened up. Alex, the other two teenagers, and the student, Tang, alighted from the vehicle
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Chapter 10: Error¿
The next person to step out was another girl, although not as confident as the girl Zelah, she also didn't seem tense compared to the others. She stood before the machine and stretched her arm pointing at the red circle. Some seconds later, a small ball of water had formed in front of her palm and the ball of water was shot straight at the machine. The machine once again counted as the numbers rolled up and came to a halt at 35. "Wow, that's a high score!" Tom said surprised at what he saw. The others seemed to agree with him and nodded. "Next person," Instructor Blake called out, staring at the remaining three. The girl or more accurately, the lady that came from Marko Town with Alex and Tom decided to go next as she noticed the boys weren't bulging. She like the other girls before her took a stance and then charged at the machine. She threw her fist out and hit the red circle spot on. But unlike the others, her score was lower than that of Zelah who scored 11. 'Her ability
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