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Volume 1 - Gimmindiot World (1) - A stupid problem
Author's Note: Hi, it's ClemCa, the author. This novel already had 8 completed volumes and 1 incomplete volume by the time I went on hiatus in late 2018. Now that I got back to it and switched platforms, I'm going through the chapters correcting some mistakes, and rewriting quite a few sentences. The content itself however is not prone to change. If you wish to, do not hesitate though to join the discord and propose keywords there for future volumes. https://discord.gg/9GMFzWZ Have a nice reading! Keywords: potato/chicken/alchemy/capitalism/light saber It's been around 4 centuries since Gimmindiot struck it rich… <spa
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Give me a word I'll make a world Volume 10 - re:D.D. (25) - Weirded Out
As I enter my home, I find my sister already there, nibbling on a cookie in the kitchen. -You're here? -I finished early and I had nothing planned, so... -I see. I put down my stuff, and join her after-school snack. -Oh, by the way, wanna eat something particular today? I turn around. It was my voice, but it didn't come from me. Turns out that one face is sticking out from the kitchen's entrance, and it's mine. Well, not mine per se, but mine.<
Last Updated : 2021-12-13
Give me a word I'll make a world Volume 10 - re:D.D. (24) - Stupid
Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck… I'm late! Who thought I'd sleep through my alarm clock… I hurry up, get dressed, and leave my room. I'm late by almost 4 hours. As I get down the stairs, I seriously consider the utility of actually going. I have about 6 hours and a half of courses in the day. Minus 4 hours it makes it down to 2 and a half. Minus the time to eat, and the 30 minutes to walk all the way there, it would eat 1 more hour into it. In the end, is it worth walking 1 hour in total to have 1 hour and a half of courses?
Last Updated : 2021-12-07
Give me a word I'll make a world Volume 10 - re:D.D. (23) - Troublesome
How troublesome… Lately, it seemed to be the only thought getting through his mind. As the Secretary of Defense of the United States, he was supposed to have some level of authority, but, with the recent events, things had too much of a tendency to be out of his hands. With supernatural matters that could threaten national security visible to the public, he felt like he visited the President's desk more than his own. It could almost be seen as enough to warrant the creation of a highly secure internal mailing system, if such a system wasn't deemed to be eventually broken through. In fact, it could be observed that he was seen in the White House than the cans of coke the president kept drinking. Today was no different.
Give me a word I'll make a world Volume 10 - re:D.D. (22) - Luck
Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck… Left: You sure took your time. Right: We almost thought you weren't going to wake up. -So what's the choice? I'm in a bit of a hurry, which seems to be something you both aren't noticing! Who thought I'd sleep through my alarm clock. Right: Today, in view of your situation, we're going easy on you. Do they have an interest in my well-being? Are there some rules they didn't tell me about? They had orders to choose someone and have them choose, could it be that preserving the life of the one they chose is part of the
Give me a word I'll make a world Volume 10 - re:D.D. (21) - A Better World
She wasn't feeling much. In fact, both her senses and awareness were limited, for she was currently part of a gigantic mass of flesh. She was right at the center. Maybe it was because her individuality was slowly disappearing, but she had a small moment of clarity. Right as her zombie part was slowly integrating into a greater consciousness, her human side, which had disappeared ever since she became a zombie, reappeared. As her reason came back, it was hit with a truckload of memories, and she was met with horror. It wasn't just what she became or what she did, but also where she was. She could only see darkness, she could hear nothing, she could only feel a wriggling wall of flesh all around, as if she was bathing in it. Last Updated : 2021-11-13
Give me a word I'll make a world Volume 10 - re:D.D. (20) - The Wave of Change
A/N: I didn’t notice, but I took my break right on the 100k words mark! Anyway, here is the chapter! As the day was going, it didn't take long for me to know that nothing was done about the zombies. Seeing how difficult my choices are becoming, it is likely that my sister is faced with considerably difficult choices too. Preventing negative consequences might not be the best way to deal with things. Sometimes, doing a trade-off might be better. Of course, I have no way to know if my sister also has choices and not another form of using her angels, but it doesn't change the fact that I trust her ability to pick the best path. If she decided that sacrificing Sydney was necessary, then I trust her. While I might be a bit short-sighted, I believe she has t
Give me a word I'll make a world Some news
Over the past 4 days, today included, which is when I usually write this novel in the week, I've not written anything. I've been a bit out of it lately, and while I've had reason to attribute it to fatigue up to now, as I was genuinely constantly tired, I've had time to sleep more since then, and I'm still not better. Overall, I feel a lack of inspiration, and a lack of will to do anything. I've still been able to pump out quite a few good chapters, but I think I reached the limit. I know it sounds sudden, but I'm going to take a break for a short while. Back in June was when I started writing everyday for my various novels, after a month, I was a bit burned out and took a break. I then was back 3 weeks later and have been since then. Originally, it was more about testing my limits, and it turned into an habit, but I still think I should still stay within the bounds of being well enough to write quality chapters. Anyway, less than a month ago, I was g
Give me a word I'll make a world Volume 10 - re:D.D. (19) - Monster
If something in this world deserved to be called a monster, the gigantic pile of flesh currently going through Sydney was definitely the one. After all, it wasn't figuratively, but literally going through Sydney. Sydney wasn't the capital of Australia, but it was definitely its biggest city by population. A position that it would definitely lose to Melbourne after the current disaster striking it is finished. If it is ever finished, and if there is any way to compile the body count. Meanwhile, the prime offender was absorbing people at an extremely fast rate, as it was storming through the city. It was rolling through the city. Yes, rolling. Whatever it was, the collective entity quickly understood that rather than focusing on
Give me a word I'll make a world Volume 10 - re:D.D. (18) - Warp Drive
When talking about such an elusive concept as a Warp Drive, there were multiple areas of expertise that needed to reach a certain level to develop one.Of course, science fiction, which was originally inspired by science, had now long turned around and influenced several generations of scientists and physicists. And so, a lot of people already worked on it. While saying it was your main domain of research would attract scornful glares, and some did attract such glares since 1994, but working on a few papers several times in your career wasn't a problem.In fact, the implications of warp drives on the current model of quantum physics made it a pretty interesting research subject for various specialties.And this was why, when in early 2021, a paper proposed a theoretical model for warp drive, it attracted a deep inte
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Julia Nora
waiting for the next chapter~ i am wondering, do you have any social media to keep up with your readers?