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By: ACKY LOOWA CompletedFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 40 views: 7.9K

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Ezekiel Montemayor is a simple graduating student at unknown university. He has no other hobby other than reading a book. Concealed in his friends, he has a secret he fears to reveal; that was the cursed that kept him alive. Until one day, a hermit gave him an old book. The book will open to a strange world - the World of Loowa. As the day progresses, Ezekiel discovers that he is not the only one with a medallion and power. There are thirteen of them and they are the so-called Medallion Keepers who are tasked with endowing various classes of power to end the game that is gradually destroying the strange world of Loowa's Kingdom. This is the Game of the Director - the powerful creature in world of Loowa. When the Medallion Keepers enter the Loowa's Kingdom, will they succeed in ending the Director's bloody game with their powers? Would it be good for Ezekiel to have power or would this be the reason for reaveling the great secret he did not want to reveal? An old book. Thirteen powerful medallions. Playful and strange world. Inexplicable creatures. Who are they? What are they? What's in them? Let us discover the World of Loowa.

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  • casperjhel


    i really love this book. it's not an ordinary fantasy story compare to the ones i've read before. every chapter has a different taste and you cant tell what will happen next that makes me more excited. this book deserved an award. congratulations to the writer

    2021-08-03 15:09:07
  • Kan Sherint


    this story really caught my attention the flow of tge story is really great and the cliffhanger on every chapter was superb

    2021-08-01 20:48:47
  • Inkfusion


    Keep it up author

    2021-07-26 18:49:43
Latest Chapter
40 chapters
DIRECTOR'S GAME is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, dialects, events and incidents are either the products of my own imagination or in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental.No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted or shared in a retrieval system, in any form by any means; electronic, mechanical or recording without the permission of the Author.Content Copyright ©️ Acky Loowa. DISCLAIMER:This is my first ever English novel. I'm not good and fluent in this language so expect wrong spelling and grammatical errors.Read at your own risk. 😄✌Read more
Chapter 1: An Old Book
"Hey, where are you going?" my classmate Limwell asked. "Outside. Call of nature," my emotionless response. "It's forbidden to leave the tent at this time. You know the rules at this camp." "What do you want? My bladder to burst?" "It's up to you. I just warned you. When Dean Sumaway sees you, you will be suspended for a week." I didn't answer anymore and went out of our tent. The cool breeze greeted me. I looked at the tents I passed as I headed for a large tree not too far away. "It's okay here," I whispered. After I peed, I was about to go back to our camping tent when suddenly someone grabbed my arm. My legs shook when I saw who was holding my arm. I saw an old man with a wrinkled face. He had a long beard and was dressed in rags. In short, he was a hermit. "Who are you? What do you want from me?" I stuttered.

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Chapter 2: Dark Master Mind
I hurriedly opened my room and searched for the old book. Earlier I was anxious to go home to find out what was going on with me. I was shocked not to find the book on my study table. Where was it? I knew it was here because I had seen it this morning. I hurried down and looked for Nanny Guring. She was the only one that I allowed to enter my room because I didn't want anyone to know about my belongings. "Oh son, why are you in a hurry? Are you hungry already?" she asked when she saw me pacing frantically. "Nanny, where did you take my book?" My question was direct. "What book? Is it your old book? I threw it away. Obviously, you don't read it anymore," she said smiling. "What? Didn't I tell you not to throw away anything that belongs to me? Where did you throw it? I need it!" I almost screamed at the old woman. "I'm sorry. I thought..." "Find it! I
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Chapter 3: The Medallion Keepers
Lyka's words kept haunting me. I am the most powerful of the thirteen medallions. I am the key to open Loowa's Kingdom. I will be the answer to end the coming war. If what she said was true, why me? What was it about me and me being chosen to be given such power? "It's time for you to come, Big Brother." I was surprised when a child suddenly appeared in front of me. I was about to enter our main gate when he spoke. "I don't have any money, kid. Maybe tomorrow." No emotion betrayed my face. "Wow, so judgmental. I don't need you, you need me," he said smiling. "What do I need from a child like you?" My response was as annoyed as I was feeling. "Tell me first what happened to you all day?" he asked and sat down on the plant box in front of the gate. "Why should I tell you? What are you doing in my life?" My
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Chapter 4: Let The Game Begin
I thought it was just the wind touching me, but I was shocked to feel someone hugging me from behind. I looked at the hand that was slowly moving to my stomach. "What the hell? F*ck you!" I shouted as I removed his hand. I confronted him and I wasn't wrong. A decaying corpse had embraced me. In my fear and nervousness, I hurriedly ran. Dead people seemed to want to meet and chase me. I didn't know where I was going but I needed to get out of there. In the depths of the night and the smoke coming out of the tomb and in the emptiness, I had a hard time escaping them. "Ezekiel, behind you!" A man shouted. It was Ronnie. I turned around and saw two dead bodies approaching me with worms all over their bodies. I retreated which caused me to be out of balance and knocked me down into a tomb. Because of the hard fall, I could hardly get up. I just stared at the two corpses that wanted to attack me. I didn't know what they would do. They looked scary a
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Chapter 5: Loowa's Kingdom
"Hey!" Jerome tried to get my attention, poking me. I wasn't paying attention to his stories; I just couldn't erase from my mind what had happened earlier. "What's that?" I asked him without any emotion."Ezekiel! I'm asking why you were with Lyka earlier? Are you dating her?" His question was just sad."Of course not. We just met. Are you jealous?" I asked with a smile."Why should I be jealous? I just don't trust her. There seems to be something strange about her. Is something wrong?" he asked seriously, looking at nothingness."I saw her last night. She was talking to an unfamiliar woman. Probably her relative." he said, frowning at me. What if she was talking to a woman? What's the issue with that?"But what amazes me is that they were holding a book as if they didn't know what it was. The woman was trying to snatch it away. Lyka didn't want to give the book. The
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Chapter 6: City of Gen-Train
"Where are we?" Fritzie asked irritatedly as we walked through the thick and messy forest. "I don't know either. Are we doing it right, Zeke?" Ronnie asked.  "I'm not sure either. But I think we're on the right track," I said. "Let's just follow the path where the women went earlier" "Why did you stop?" Ronnie asked as Fritzie stopped walking. He was the one in front of us. "I hear something. Let's hide!" Fritzie replied then quickly pulled us into the corner of the forest. Slowly we peered over the tall grass that covered us. "Them again?" Ronnie said when he saw the two women walking. "That's a different woman. If you look closely, they're thinner. But they're wearing the same clothes," Fritzie replied. "Let's go to our pets," said another woman. I understood what she said. What pet was she referring to? "T
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Chapter 7: City of Compenyo
Tik. Tik. Tik. Tik. Tuk. Tuk. Tuk. Tuk.  Ticks that made my hair stand on end. It was like a clock hand rushing through time. "F*ck! The MarMar Building is going to close," Don Kenneth swore almost uneasily at what was happening. We had been walking for a while but we had not seen the door to the building. Suddenly out of nowhere Ronnie's twin, or should I say, his clone, multiplied himself to find the way to the City of Compenyo. The two Ronnie talked and less than a few seconds later, the original spoke. "I've found the way. Follow me," he said seriously. He walked hurriedly, almost running at a speed. We just kept following him until we reached a large wall with no door. "How can we get into that, there's no door and the wall is too high. We can't climb that!" Clarice snapped. "Is there another way maybe?" Fritzie said as she pointed her ear to the wall as if to find out what was going on inside. "We don
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Chapter 8: Pellet
"Argh," Ronnie yelled in the other room where the pellet placement was being carried out on him.  "Ronnie's screaming which means the procedure is painful. I hope we can handle it," Fritzie said, who had been trembling with fear. "You can do it if Don can," Janet said staring at Don Kenneth. He hadn't been as loud as Ronnie but he couldn't hide the discomfort on his face when he came out of the room. "Are you ready Fritzie? You're next," Toffer teased and we laughed. Honestly, I was afraid of what could happen to me when I was fitted with a pellet. I felt like I wouldn't be able to handle it. "Oh, the first step is over. How are you feeling?" Darwin asked as Ronnie came out. I didn't know if I should laugh or feel sorry for his face. He looked utterly uncomfortable. "Let go and the pain you're feeling will go away too. Fritzie, you're next!" Toffer beckoned at Fritzie. "Can Clarice go first? Or can we go together?" she ask
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Chapter 9: MarMar Building
"Sh*t! All the exits are closed!" Don Kenneth said, annoyed. Earlier we went around this very spacious building but we didn't see anyone get out. "If only the powers could be used here, I could do something!" Janet said angrily who had previously been irritated by what was happening. "I think it's okay." Fritzie replied. "Yes Fritzie, it's okay! But the reason why we don't use it because the creatures here can't know what we are. Right?" sighed Janet who was giving her a poker face. "Okay. But how can we find the antidote if we don't know where it came from?" Fritzie asked. "Viancs said the poison came from the City of Gen-Train and someone from them may have already entered here. It's not so wrong that we thought to go out of this building and find the answer in the City of Gen-Train because the answer is already here as well," Ronnie said watching the Penyos slowly run out.

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