The Secret Heir: I Became the Heir of Strongest Hidden Clan

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The Secret Heir: I Became the Heir of Strongest Hidden Clan

By: Bored_Author OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 113 views: 11.5K

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In a world filled with monsters and awakened beings, Eren, an Unawakened, falls in love with Julia, the beautiful and charismatic daughter of the powerful Rozental family. Unaware of the harsh reality of the strong, Eren enters the Rozental household and discovers that the family's children are nothing short of monsters. Despite the hate and disgust he faces for being a commoner, Eren endures everything for the sake of his love. But after three long years of being the Rozetals' toy boy and enduring humiliation, Eren can take no more. He decides to take matters into his own hands and jumps into a dungeon, not realizing that his true identity is about to be revealed. As the heir of the strongest hidden clan, Eren emerges from the dungeon, ready to face all those who humiliated him. This epic tale of love, power, and revenge is about to start, embark on this journey with Eren and see what fate has in store for him.

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  • Madan C N


    Urban fantasy which actually is good than genric novels...

    2023-04-27 15:41:23
  • Lazy Dreamer


    A good read...

    2023-04-27 15:38:10
  • Abo Soltan


    i love the twist, keep it up.

    2023-06-11 10:26:42
Latest Chapter
113 chapters
Chapter 01 - Toy boy of Rozental Family
---------Sometimes Heart sees what is invisible to the eyes and it’s not always pleasant.----------“Do you see that, It’s him!”A group of women holding glasses filled with red liquor, in what seemed to be a banquet hall was gossiping over something.“You mean that handsome man over there?”An individual among the group said, signaling her eye at a man who was sitting far at the back of the main table of the banquet.He was quite a handsome man, who seemed to be in his early 20s, with dirty blond hair, pitch-black eyes, and a cleanly shaved beard, he seemed to be very charismatic.“Yeah! He is the one, The shameless lover!”But the things that were being said about him were not so sweet for the ears.“He is a commoner that lived in the slums, not only that, I heard that he wasn’t even awakened!!”The gaze of the people changed as soon as they heard that! Their gaze which was appreciating his handsome and beautiful face a minute ago turned into a cold and contempt-filled one.The wo
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Chapter 02 - Eren's Determination
"Uggh!!"A man who seemed to be in his late 20s, with dirty blond hair, pitch-black eyes, and a cleanly shaved beard woke up holding his head! By the look of it, he seemed to have woken from a terrible nightmare."Where am I?"Eren slowly got up from the bed he was laying on, looking around himself.He was inside a huge room with a luxurious bed, on top of which was lying. Everything in the room looked rich and lavish! Be it the tea table near the window or the matrix on the floor, everything screamed grandeur.The cleanroom which was free of even a speck of dust was painted in a white and golden combination giving it a gleam of royal characteristics! Some may even think of it as heaven!But Eren's face paled seeing his surroundings! Beads of sweat started to form on his face.This was nothing but hell for him! "I am here again?"He said, trying to get out of bed.But before he could, the door of the room opened as a green-haired young woman entered."Ah! Master, you are
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Chapter 03 - Awakening
Eren who came out of the luxurious car, stood marveling at the dungeon portal that has formed in the middle of a forest. It looked like a pitch-black space covered by blue energy! “This marvelous portal could very well become my grave…haha” He said sarcastically, giving a wry laugh at his own fate! The driver he bought was still standing in the distance as he ordered. Actually, Eren told him to go back but the man refused, saying it was his duty to take him anywhere he wants. “Julia, Scarlet, and this stupid driver…. My life isn’t completely bad I think” He murmured as a smile unconsciously found its way onto his face. Even in the middle of all his sufferings, there were still some kind and honest people because of whom he could endure that hell. He was getting emotional remembering all that... But suppressing his further thoughts he walked near the portal, there were some people from the ‘Awakener’s Association’ that managed the portals! As soon as they saw Eren, a man cam
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Chapter 04 - The Revenge System
Eren rubbed his eyes two to three times seeing a black window that popped out in front of him out of nowhere. “What the….?” A black window with golden-colored words was hovering in front of him. Ding! [The User has reached level.1] He still couldn’t believe his eyes. “What the hell is this?’ He repeatedly swung his hand in the air, checking if he was dreaming. "Did I finally go crazy” He himself was having a doubt, that if he had gone crazy or something, but no matter how much he tried to deny it, the window in front of him was still there! “I finally awakened!” Unable to control his tears, he finally burst into tears! “Damn!" Words weren’t coming out of his mouth at his happiness! All this time the humiliation he faced! The criticism and the dirty gazes he got… ‘Wait for me bi*ches!’ He didn’t even know what to do but he was sure of something… “I am gone f*ck you all…..” He screamed as loud as he can, releasing all his frustration at once! And as if waiting for it,
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Chapter 05 - Julia von Rozental
"Uggh!!" Eren woke up holding his head as a sharp pain was still lingering in his forehead. "Where am I?" He slowly got up from the bed he was laying on, looking around himself. A huge room with a luxurious bed, on top of which he was lying. The same old room that he remembered, which was uselessly rich and lavish! Be it the tea table near the window or the matrix on the floor, everything looked luxurious. The cleanroom which was free of even a speck of dust was painted in a white and golden combination giving it a gleam of royal characteristics. But Eren's face paled seeing his surroundings and Beads of sweat started to form on his face for a different matter than when he felt it in the past. This place...It was his own room!! "Why am I here again?" He said, desperately trying to get out of bed. tap!tap!tap! But before he could get out of bed, he heard the hurried steps of someone coming near his room! Just from the footsteps, he knew who it was, his anxiety-filled face
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Chapter 06 - Planning for future
" awakened? Are you joking now?" A look of disbelief appeared on Julia's face as soon as she heard Eren saying that he has been awakened! She knew that Eren wasn't a man who would joke on serious matters like this but even then, she asked if it was a joke. Eren in turn didn't say anything but gave a warm smile. Eren was expecting her to be astonished. He thought she would be shocked at his awakening and would be happy, but what happened wasn't something he had thought of! Tears rolled out of her scarlet eyes as her face turned red, Eren who saw her starting to cry again got agitated... "Dear...why are you...ok...ok...calm down...Calm down..." He was confused as to why she started to shed tears again all of sudden. was she unhappy that he awakened? that's impossible, she would be happier than Eren himself, then why...? "You...! Did you go to the dungeon putting your life at risk to awaken? were you that desperate?" Eren froze! Right, as an awakened herself,
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Chapter 07 - Meeting with the strongest(1)
The strongest man on Earth. The guild leader of the Number one guild. Head of the Rozentals. The Merciless Blade. He was called by many names. He was the man that stood at the forefront of humanity, fighting the dungeon creatures constantly and ensuring the safety of countless humans. His name was Aden. Aden Von Rozental, the strongest! When the Great Crisis happened in 2010, He was the man that stood to protect humans. He constantly engaged in fights, cleared dungeons, and slashed off the monsters, all while recruiting reliable and strong members to stand beside him. He took down the Red Dragon, Igneel, after fighting for five days and six nights, which got him the title of Dragon Slayer! Moving forward, he created the guild called, "Guardians". With the support of his wife and colleagues, he managed to overcome all the difficulties that came his way. Taking down everyone that stood in his way, by any means that was necessary, he bought the 'Guardian' guild to the positio
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Chapter 08 - Meeting with the strongest(1)
"What? stop blabbering and tell me what you really want?" Aden couldn't probably believe that his son-in-law, who was literally locked in his own room for almost three years now, wanted to return to his hometown. He just thought that he wanted some money to play around with and was beating around the bush not knowing how to ask him. "That is really all I want" Eren couldn't possibly say that he wanted to train secretly for about three to six months until he feel safe himself so that he could survive in the midst of the ' Monsters of Rozentals". "Why?" The reaction he got was scary. The look on the face of Aden Von Rozental was distorted. He looked very scary at the movement. Eren instinctively took a step back and dug his fingernails into the skin. "Why would you say that?" Aden made Eren change his last name to Rozentals as the condition for agreeing to their love, because he didn't want his loving daughter to go to some no-name-named family, and since Eren was an Orphan,
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Chapter 09 - Eren's skills
(In the office of Aden von Rozental after Eren left) A butler entered the room holding a vase and started pouring wine into the glass. “This is a wine called, Heavenly Pleasure, apparently it is made of the dungeon grapes that were recently discovered in the S- rank dungeon that our guild raided”, said the butler still pouring the wine. Aden took the glass taking a sip. “Ah...! It’s too sour, I wish it were a bit sweet” He kept the glass of wine on the table, “I think I would better have the wine that was fermented for a decade rather than this!” “It seems you are unusually in a good mood today, Master” The butler said taking the cup away. “You can say?” “You never turn down alcohol if you are not in a good mood, and you seem to hate having bitter things when you are in a good mood” Aden smiled at him “Hmm..10 years ago I believed that having bitter things will what mature you…” He looked at the portrait of the woman which was kept on his table, “But now that I think about
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Chapter 10 - Spies?
_____________ Age: 25 Class: Witch Type: Skill-based Rank: C Title: Heir of the fallen warriors.------ Strength – D Agility – E Endurance – D Intelligence – B Perception – C ------ The descendent of the warriors who once fought on the front line against the invading monsters. She was raised by the adopted family and She has a deep grudge against the ones who destroyed her family. It would be better of you to not try anything funny with her, one skill and that will all be needed to send you to the afterlife. _____________ _____________ Age: 25 Class: Assassin Type: Physical Rank: C+ Title: Heir of the fallen warriors.------ Strength – C Agility – B Endurance – B Intelligence – D Perception – C ------ The descendent of the warriors who once fought on the front line against the invading monsters. A naive and kind child who became twisted due to the horrible things tha
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